
The helper class for Laravel applications to get active class base on current route


Active for Laravel

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This repository is not maintained any more. Please feel free to fork it and make it compatible to new versions of Laravel.

The helper class for Laravel applications to get active class base on current url.

Since version 7.0, the major version of this library will match the major version of Laravel.

Laravel version Active library version
>= 7.x >= 7.x
6.x 4.x
5.x 3.x
4.x 1.x


Require this package as your dependencies:

composer require hieu-le/active

If you are using Laravel 5.5+, you do not need to manually register the ServiceProvider and Alias.

Append this line to your providers array in config/app.php


Append this line to your aliases array in config/app.php

'Active' => HieuLe\Active\Facades\Active::class,


See: How to use Active


  • v7.0: support Laravel 7 and start using the same marjor version with Laravel
  • v4.0: support Laravel 6 and PHPUnit 8
  • v3.5: support Laravel 5.5.x and PHPUnit 6
  • v3.4: support Laravel 5.4.x
  • v3.3: support Laravel 5.3.x
  • v3.2: allows first parameter of if_* functions to be string or array
  • v3.1: support both Laravel 5.2.x and 5.1.x
  • v3.0: new API