admin api dashboard

A simple React dashboard to manage your data through an API REST using CRUD actions


ReactJS Admin API

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ReactJS admin dashboard to manage your data through an admin API


This project allow you to manage your entities data through admin endpoints (from an API), with simple operation like getAll, getOneById, updateOneById or deleteOneById. You can perform custom actions (API call) by adding them to your configurations file.


  1. Node.js >= 12.x
  2. A well designed API (You can setup a Strapi project to create a quick API)

Getting started


Copy paste .env-example to .env to the root folder of the project.

Key Type Default Description
REACT_APP_AUTHENTICATION boolean true Allow authentication page that stores a Bearer token to every axios call
REACT_APP_BASE_URL string - Define the base url of your admin API


Watch development environment

yarn start

Build production environment

yarn build

Lauch production build

yarn start-build

Included in the project

  • Login interface
  • Dynamic form generation
  • Dynamic data table with filters
  • Development & production environments
  • Tests >= 80% coverage