
Complete authorization solution for Rails that supports roles and a RESTish, resource-style declaration of permission rules.


= Aegis - A complete authorization solution for Rails

Aegis is an authorization solution for Ruby on Rails that supports roles and a RESTish, resource-style declaration of
permission rules. Getting started with Aegis is easy and requires very little integration. As your authorization
requirements become more complex, Aegis will grow with you.

== End of life notice!

The authors of this gem have moved on to create {Consul}[], our next-gen
authorization solution. While Aegis remains a stable solution for Rails 2, this gem is not being developed further.

If you are looking for Rails 3+ support you might want to browse through {forks of Aegis}[].

If you are interested in taking over future maintenance of Aegis, write to [email protected] regarding transfer
of gem ownership. Please attach links to work you did on Aegis in a fork, so we can know you are serious about this.

== Getting started

All your permissions live in a single class Permissions.
Permissions are described using resources, similiar to your routes.
Your permission resources can match those in your routes, but don’t have to.

Access to resources or individual actions can be granted or denied to specific roles.

class Permissions < Aegis::Permissions

role :user
role :admin

resources :projects do
  allow :everyone

resources :users do
  allow :admin


To give your user model a role, it needs to have an attribute +role_name+. The has_role macro wires everything together:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base

You can now check if a user has permission to access a given action in your controllers and views:

<% if current_user.may_update_project? @project %>
<%= link_to ‘Edit’, edit_project_path(@project) %>
<% end %>

You can protect all actions in a controller through an Aegis resource with a single line:

class ProjectsController < ApplicationController
permissions :projects

== Further reading

You are now familiar with the basic use case. Aegis can do a lot more than that.
There is an awesome {documentation wiki}[] with detailed information on many basic and advanced topics, including:

== Installation

Aegis is a gem, which you can install with
sudo gem install aegis

In Rails 2, add the following to your environment.rb:
config.gem ‘aegis’

In Rails 3, add the following to your Gemfile:
gem ‘aegis’

== Compatibility

Aegis was tested in Rails 2 only. If you are looking for Rails 3+ support you might want to browse through {forks of Aegis}[].

== Credits

Henning Koch, Tobias Kraze

