aimeos typo3 dist

TYPO3 e-commerce distribution for high performance web shops

Aimeos logo

Aimeos online shop distribution for TYPO3

The distribution package provides an out of the box web shop based on the the Aimeos
online shop extension for TYPO3. The package contains a pre-configured, full featured shop
including faceted search, product listings and detail views as well as baskets, coupon
handling the checkout process and all e-mail handling for notifying the customers.

Table of contents


From TER

For non-composer installations, you can install the Aimeos distribution using the
Extension manager. You can choose Aimeos from the list of available distributions:

TYPO3 distributions

Alternatively, you can download the Aimeos TYPO3 distribution
package from the TER.


Note: You need composer 2.2+ to install the latest version of Aimeos.

To install TYPO3 via composer, execute this at the command line

wget -O composer
php composer create-project "typo3/cms-base-distribution:^12.4" myshop

to install the required TYPO3 packages. Afterwards, you have to create the
FIRST_INSTALL file to be able to run the setup process:

cd myshop
touch public/FIRST_INSTALL

For local installations, you can fire up the internal PHP web server

php -d memory_limit=256M -d max_execution_time=240 -d max_input_vars=1500 -S -t public

and open the URL (“”) in your web browser. If you use Apache or
another web server, head over directly to the URL your installation is reachable directly
without starting the PHP wev server. Complete the TYPO3 setup process before you continue
to install the Aimeos distribution.

Now install the Aimeos distribution for TYPO3 via command line:

composer req -W aimeos/aimeos_dist

Then, activate the extensions and update the database:

./vendor/bin/typo3 extension:setup
./vendor/bin/typo3 aimeos:setup --option=setup/default/demo:1

If you don’t want to import the demo data, leave out --option=setup/default/demo:1.
Afterwards, your Aimeos installation is complete and you can check the frontend and
log into the TYPO3 backend.


The Aimeos TYPO3 distribution is licensed under the terms of the GPL Open Source
license and is available for free.
