air quality

Air Quality iOS and MacOS app, backed by PurpleAir


Air Quality Reader for iOS and MacOS


An iOS and MacOS application to display PurpleAir
air quality sensor data on a map, in a
Widget and a full application.

I created the application because I wanted a map of AQI on my iPhone home screen
via an iOS 14 Widget. PurpleAir does
not have a native iOS app, and none of the other air quality apps support
widgets or had the same quality and breadth of data as PurpleAir.


You can download the iOS app in
the App Store.

Build / Contribute

You can build the iOS and MacOS clients in XCode.

Our “server” is a an AWS Lambda function that
downloads the PurpleAir JSON file on a schedule, converting its verbose format to
a terse Protocol Buffer format
used by our clients.

See server/ for the function and the
Serverless Application Model
configuration file with which I deploy the service.


This is a personal project from Bret Taylor.

Data is exclusively from PurpleAir. I am a
happy owner of multiple sensors.
Buy one and
contribute to the network!

The icon is from Feather Icons, modified slightly
to conform to iOS aesthetics.