
AllMyWallets - All your crypto wallets in a single place. AMW is the first decentralized privacy-focused app to see all your wallets at a glance, and receive push notifications whenever your balances change.


AllMyWallets brings all your cryptocurrency wallets in the same place! It is safe, decentralized and respects your privacy.

Build Status

๐Ÿ’ฐ Get all your wallet balances in the same place, from cryptocurrency explorers to exchanges. AMW only uses public keys and
read-only API keys to display your balances, so your money is never at risk.

๐Ÿ”” Be notified when you receive or send cryptocurrencies. AMW uses push notifications so you can receive notifications
on your smartphone even when youโ€™re not using the app.

๐Ÿ”‘ Decentralized and privacy-first, data is stored in your browser and stays in your browser. AMW only sends refresh
messages regularly to your computer so your balances can be synced.

AMW is a work in progress but is already usable on Chrome, on Android and Desktop.

Stay tuned, more to follow!


Fork the repository and youโ€™re good to go!


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