alm is functional programming language.


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alm - is the simple functional programming language, with self writed front-end and using MSIL like back-end.

The main purpose of this project is to reach experience in compiler design and finally understand how really this all things work, no more.

I know that it’s the thousandth implementation of compiler and it will be useless for most community, but i think that someday, for somebody, it may be useful.

And so i leave it here, why not.



  • .NET 4+

Open the latest release (or simply click here) and download the zip with libs,tests and binary.

Note that the ‘libs’ folder and the binary file(compiler) must located together, also i recommend you to not rename it, otherwise imports will work wrong.


Specifically for this task i created the ‘?’ shell command which will show you all commands ant their definitions.

But i also want to share you here some recomendations for comfortable use.

The example algorithm for first use (with commands):

# Open compiler's shell 
> crfl "main.alm"
> opfl this
# write some code in created file and then:
> c 1 "test.exe"
# after this you may use only 'rec' command for recompiling:
> rec

Other detailed information you may see after typing ‘?’ command:

> ?


You can see few examples here.


This project was released under MIT license.