Gem for managing multiple analytics services in your rails app.
= Analytical
Gem for managing multiple analytics services in your rails app.
Service implementations include:
== Usage
Add the following to your controllers:
Add a configuration file (config/analytical.yml) to declare your API keys, like so:
key: UA-5555555-5
key: 55555
You can add different configurations for different environments.
By default, all the declared analytics modules are loaded. You can override this behavior in the controller.
analytical :modules=>[:console, :google, :clicky]
Then, in your template files, you’ll want to add the analytical helper methods for initializing the tracking javascript:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<%= raw analytical.head_prepend_javascript %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag :all %>
<%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>
<%= csrf_meta_tag %>
<% analytical.identify '5', :email=>'[email protected]' %>
<%= raw analytical.head_append_javascript %>
<%= raw analytical.body_prepend_javascript %>
<%= yield %>
<%= raw analytical.body_append_javascript %>
Note the example above also includes an identify() command that will apply to every page. More likely, you’ll want to make this identify() command conditional so that it only applies when you have a logged-in user:
<% analytical.identify(, :email=> if current_user %>
You can sprinkle the track() and event() tracking methods throughout your views & controllers as needed.
analytical.track '/a/really/nice/url'
analytical.event 'Some Awesome Event', :with=>:data
It’s possible to conditionally disable analytics by specifying a disable_if
analytical :disable_if => lambda{ |controller| controller.i_can_haz_tracking? }
Analytical also provides the ability to filter your active modules dynamically:
analytical :filter_modules => lambda{ |controller, modules|
controller.use_google_analytics? ? modules : modules - [:google]
This can be useful for enabling the console logger optionally in your app, based on a request parameter:
:filter_modules => lambda { |controller, modules|
controller.use_console_logger? ? [:console] : modules
You can also configure modules in the controller by passing a hash to the :modules option
analytical :modules => { :google => { key: 'UA-5555555-5' } }
Finally it is also possible to dynamically specify what modules to use and their configurations, which can come in handy if your site uses multi-tenancy, where every tenant might not wish to use the same modules or configurations for each module.
analytical :modules => lambda{ |controller| controller.analytical_modules }
In this case we would then implement a method in the controller that could look like this:
def analytical_modules
when "site-1"
:google => { key: 'UA-5555555-5' }
when "site-2"
:google => { key: 'UA-1111111-1' }
hide_action :analytical_modules
== Adding new modules
New modules should be fairly easy to add. Follow the structure that I’ve used in the Clicky, Google, and KISSMetrics modules… and you should be fine. All modules should include the Analytical::Base::Api module, so that they have some default behavior for methods that they don’t support or need.
== Session-based command queues
By default, any Analytical commands that are queued in a controller that subsequently redirects won’t be emitted to the client. This is because the redirect triggers a new request, and everything is cleared out at the beginning of each request.
However, if you would like to be able to queue commands between requests… there’s a new option that supports this behavior:
analytical :modules=>[:console, :google], :use_session_store=>true
This will store the queued commands in the user session, clearing them out when they are emitted to the client, but allowing you to make calls like:
analytical.track 'something'
… in your controller. After a redirect, the corresponding track() call will be emitted in the next request made by the client.
NOTE: This is new and somewhat experimental, and could cause problems if you store large amounts of data in the session. (there is a 4k limit to session data)
== Javascript tracking/event commands
Sometimes you want to trigger an analytics track/event via javascript. Analytical now provides a solution for this by default. Appended to your
is a simple javascript object that will contain “instantaneous” versions of the tracking commands for each of your modules.You call these analytical commands like this:
<script type="text/javascript">Analytical.track('/some/url');</script>
<script type="text/javascript">Analytical.event('A javascript event', {with: 'data'});</script>
When you call these commands, it will pass the track/event name & data on to each of the modules. (Take a look at the simple javascript helpers in your
for more information.)To disable this functionality, use
analytical :javascript_helpers => false
== Note on Patches/Pull Requests
I would be extremely happy to accept contributions to this project! If you think something should work differently, send me a message and I’d love to discuss your ideas. Even better:
== Current Contributors
These fine folks have contributed patches and new features to this project:
Thanks guys!
== Copyright
Copyright © 2010 Joshua Krall. See LICENSE for details.