Android e-commerce with PayTM payment gateway integration
Android simple e-commerce with PayTM payment gateway integrated.
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This app uses the REST API built in Laravel to list down the products, manage orders and handling PayTM payment transactions.
Refer the Laravel PayTM project to know the REST API used for this project.
Currenlty this repo uses the demo REST API provided. You can build the backend project and change the base url in app/build.gradle file.
productFlavors {
dev {
buildConfigField "String", "BASE_URL", "\"\""
buildConfigField "String", "PAYTM_CALLBACK_URL", "\"\""
buildConfigField "boolean", "IS_PATM_STAGIN", "true"
prod {
buildConfigField "String", "BASE_URL", "\"\""
buildConfigField "String", "PAYTM_CALLBACK_URL", "\"\""
buildConfigField "boolean", "IS_PATM_STAGIN", "false"