An elegant way to show your menu or messages.
In my opinion, jumping to a new activity to show your menu is a kind of wasting time and life.
I think, we need a hover view, to show menu, to show messages.
Watch HD in YouTube.
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Set up RenderScript
renderscriptTargetApi 19
renderscriptSupportMode true
in build.gradle
, here is a sampledependencies {
compile ""
compile 'com.nineoldandroids:library:2.4.0'
compile 'com.daimajia.easing:library:1.0.0@aar'
compile 'com.daimajia.androidanimations:library:1.1.2@aar'
compile 'com.daimajia.androidviewhover:library:1.0.4@aar'
Create an original view, and make sure it was wrapped by BlurLayout
for example:
Note: BlurLayout
is entended from RelativeLayout
. You can use the RelativeLayout
rules to layout your view.
Create a hover view, there is no rules to obey. Just please remember that this view will be stretched as large as the original view you have created.
Bind a hover view to BlurLayout
BlurLayout sampleLayout = (BlurLayout)findViewById(;
View hover = LayoutInflater.from(mContext).inflate(R.layout.hover, null);
and don’t forget that you can add various animations just in one line code. For example:
//View ( appear animation.
sampleLayout.addChildAppearAnimator(hover,, Techniques.FlipInX);
//View ( disappear animation.
sampleLayout.addChildDisappearAnimator(hover,, Techniques.FlipOutX);
You can view the samples in my preset examples.
This project provides a lot of animations you can choose. Animations are from my another open-source project AndroidViewAnimations. And you can aslo using easing funcitons to make your animations more real. Please enjoy it.
A student in mainland China.
Welcome to offer me an internship.
If you have any new idea about this project, feel free to contact me.