Angular 4 Typescript WYSIWYG editor component using tinymce.js, with customization for adding menus and autocompletion
Angular 4 component using tinymce.js, with customization for adding menus and autocompletion
I created this component because I was using the tinymce-editor component (now called angular-tinymce, but it was consistently failing miserably in Safari, and in Chrome and Firefox I was seeing sporadic errors.
There is now an official TinyMCE angular component ( but after using it I decided to create my own to offer additional capabilities needed at the time.
The functionality I added to this custom angular-tiny-editor component includes the ability to add additional dropdown menus to the menu bar and the ability to use an external plugin for autocompletion, which pulls its data from the additional dropdown menu. There is so much more I can add to this, but I only provided what was needed for a project at the time.
Thanks to for the handy tinymce mention plugin.
Clone the repository, which contains a sample Angular application demonstrating the angular-tiny-editor component. To run the application:
npm install
to install all modules, and then run
npm start
to run the application at http://localhost:4200
This project was built with the Angular CLI, and besides the usual list of modules installed, I also installed
bootstrap ver 3.3.7
jquery ver 3.3.1
tinymce ver 4.7.11
and all of these dependencies will be installed for you when you run npm install.
To use the angular-tiny-editor component in your own Angular application, do the following:
1) Copy the tiny-editor component folder to your desired location.
2) Modify your app.module.ts (or whatever module you choose) accordingly to import TinyEditorComponent and declare it.
3) Use npm to install the specific versions of the 3 dependencies noted above. I haven't tried any other versions, so there are no promises older or newer versions will work.