
An ebook generator from asciidoc to html/pdf/ebpu/mobi .


= Asciibook

Asciibook is an Ebook generator for converting AsciiDoc to HTML, PDF and EPUB.

== Installation

Asciibook uses docker as distribution tool. Docker helps deal with dependencies, keeps the local environment clean, and works well with CI / CD tools.

You can download and install docker in .

After installed docker, Pull the docker image:

[source, consle]

$ docker pull asciibook/asciibook

== Usage

First, enter container enviroment in your AsciiDoc file diretory:

[source, console]

$ docker run -it -v $(pwd):/asciibook asciibook/asciibook bash
/asciibook #

Following command is executed inside the container environment.

For a existing AsciiDoc file, run this command to build all formats:

[source, console]

/asciibook # ascibook build mybook.adoc

Generated results will be placed in the build folder.

Or generate partial formats:

[source, console]

/asciibook # asciibook build mybook.adoc --format html,pdf,epub

If you don’t want to type the parameters repeatedly, you can create a configuration file for the document:

[source, console]

/asciibook # asciibook init mybook.adoc

It will create a config file named asciibook.yml in the same directory, edit config for your need, then use this command to build next time:

[source, console]

/asciibook # asciibook build

== Development

Clone this repo:

[source, console]

$ git clone
$ cd asciibook

Star dev environment with docker:

[source, console]

$ docker-compose run console

Run test:

[source, console]

/asciibook # rake test

== Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

== License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.