Asciidoc Editor and Toolchain written with JavaFX 21 (Build PDF, Epub, Mobi and HTML books, documents and slides)
= Asciidoc Editor based on JavaFX 20
:toc-placement: preamble
:toc-placement: left
:imagesdir: images
:asciidocfx-version: 1.8.10
image:[“Backers on Open Collective”, link=“#backers”]
image:[“Sponsors on Open Collective”, link=“#sponsors”]
image:[Build Status,link=“”]
image: Chat.svg[“Gitter”, link=“”]
Asciidoc FX is an WYSIWYG editor for Asciidoc markup language. You can build PDF, Epub, and HTML books, documents and slides. AsciidocFX is also a winner of[Duke’s Choice Award 2015].
.AsciidocFX - Duke’s Choice Award 2015 winner
== Features
== Pseudo Terminal Emulator
image::[Pseudo Terminal Emulator]
== How to Install AsciidocFX
There are a number of operating systems that AsciidocFX supports.
NOTE: The latest releases are available from the[Github releases page].
<<Supported_OS>> shows the list of available builds with links for reference. If you are looking for the very latest version, visit the link in the note above to be guaranteed of downloading the latest and greatest version of AsciidocFX.
NOTE: Thanks image:[link=] for providing us open source license for the installers used in AsciidocFX distribution.
NOTE: In all releases we use AdoptOpenJDK JREs, so you will not have any licensing issue regarding bundled JRE.
.Supported Operating Systems and Builds
| OS | Filename
| Mac | {download-root}AsciidocFX_Mac.dmg[AsciidocFX_Mac.dmg]
| Mac M1 | {download-root}AsciidocFX_Mac_M1.dmg[AsciidocFX_Mac_M1.dmg]
| Windows | {download-root}AsciidocFX_Windows.exe[AsciidocFX_Windows.exe]
| Windows | {download-root}[]
| Linux
| {download-root}AsciidocFX_Linux.tar.gz[AsciidocFX_Linux.tar.gz]
| Linux DEB
| {download-root}AsciidocFX_Linux_Deb.deb[AsciidocFX_Linux.deb]
| Linux RPM
| {download-root}AsciidocFX_Linux_Rpm.rpm[AsciidocFX_Linux.rpm]
=== Install on Linux
You can install AsciidocFX through the Deb or Rpm installers or via Archive file.
=== Install on Arch Linux
Install using the package manager in Arch Linux
$ yaourt -S asciidocfx
=== Install on Windows
Download executable/installer and run it.
=== Install on Mac
Download the .dmg
and run it.
Use[Homebrew] to install it with one command: brew install --cask asciidocfx
=== Installation Notes
There are two AsciidocFX package flavors, you can download it with JRE 8 out-of-box or if you have already installed JRE 8 (Update 40 or above), you can download *No_JRE builds
Microsoft Core Fonts::
You must install Microsoft Core Fonts on Linux OSes also.
If you are using Fedora, you need to install the RPM provided from this URL:[mscorefonts2]
You must install[KindleGen], If you need to convert your documents into Mobi files. Once you specify the location of KindleGen executable, Mobi Service provided by AFX will be available.
== A Quick Dive[Video - Writing Books with Asciidoc FX]
== AsciidocFX Backends
AsciidocFX can converts Asciidoc documents into HTML, PDF, EPUB3 and DOCBOOK5.
AsciidocFX converts documents via AsciidoctorJ library. For the PDF backends alternatively Docbook -> Fop -> PDF conversion can be utilized.
== AsciidocFX Extensions
AsciidocFX supports many extensions like PlantUML, Ditaa, Charts, File Trees and many others Asciidoctor Diagram which can be found in
== PlantUML Extension
You can fulfill your UML needs with AsciidocFX. It supports PlantUML. AsciidocFX converts this textual UML elements as png or svg image.[PlantUML] is a component that allows to quickly write :
abstract class AbstractList
abstract AbstractCollection
interface List
interface Collection
List <|-- AbstractList
Collection <|-- AbstractCollection
Collection <|- List
AbstractCollection <|- AbstractList
AbstractList <|-- ArrayList
class ArrayList {
Object[] elementData
enum TimeUnit {
.UML example output
NOTE: In some UML elements, PlantUML needs to work with Graphviz. Because of this, you should install Graphviz
manually for your platform. After installing Graphviz, you should set GRAPHVIZ_DOT
environment variable to dot
executable in Graphviz.
== Mermaid Extension
Mermaid lets you create diagrams using text and code. This simplifies the maintenance of complex diagrams. See more examples:
mermaid-cli has to be installed for mermaid diagrams generation.
== ditaa Extension
AsciidocFX supports ditaa diagrams.[ditaa] is a component that converts diagrams drawn in ascii art to bitmap graphics.
+--------+ +-------+ +-------+
| |---+ ditaa +--->| |
| Text | +-------+ |diagram|
|Document| |!magic!| | |
| {d}| | | | |
+---+----+ +-------+ +-------+
: ^
| Lots of work |
== MathJax Extension[MathJax] is an open source JavaScript display engine for mathematics that works in all browsers.
You can use Tex
or MathML
languages for describing mathematical formulas in AsciidocFX. AsciidocFX converts this textual formulas as png or svg image.
== Tex output
== MathML output
== Filesystem Tree Extension
You can represent filesystem tree in following tree
block. There is two style of FS tree.
== Filesystem Tree output
When you drag and drop a folder to editor, AFX will generate this like tree automatically.
-- balloon.jpg |-- videos | |-- car-video.avi | |-- dance.mp4 | |-- dance01.mpg | |-- another video.divx |
– school videos-- firstday.flv |-- documents | |-- jsfile.js | |-- powerpoint.ppt | |-- chapter-01.asc | |-- | |-- .gitignore | |-- README |
– configuration.conf== Filesystem Tree output (new)
== JavaFX Charts Extension
JavaFX has 8 kind of Chart component and AsciidocFX supports all of them.
=== Pie Chart
=== Area Chart
1, 4
3, 10
6, 15
9, 8
12, 5
For other charts and available options, look at[Chart extension] wiki page!
== How to Build AsciidocFX
directory to environment variablesAsciidocFX
directory and run $ mvn clean install
directory and you will see
and asciidocfx.bat
NOTE: We are generating builds with Github Actions automatically.
== Books Written with AsciidocFX
Java 8 Ebook::
AspectJ Ebook::
Mastering Cloudforms Automation::
== Slides (Reveal.js)
AsciidocFX supports slides by using the Asciidoctor Reveal.js backend. To getting start with slide authoring, you can just follow menu:New[Slide] menu.
After that AFX will prompt you a freespace directory name and “OK” you will see the slide demo.
.Slide demo
You can easily switch between reveal.js and deck.js by changing the comment below. Also, you can configure default settings by editing _settings_reveal.adoc
and include::_settings_deck.adoc
== Used Technologies
AsciidocFX uses Java, JavaScript and XML related technologies.
== AsciidocFX Configuration
You can configurate AsciidocFX with Settings page (Press kbd:[Ctrl+F4]). The all configs located in [Install_Dir]/conf folder.
== Editor Shortcuts
Editor in AsciidocFX is based on Ace.js ( ) . AsciidocFX supports the keyboard shortcuts listed below. All are configurable under Settings > Shortcut
settings. Keyboard events are handled by AsciidocFX, if you any reason want it handled by Ace.js itself, you can disable “Custom Shortcut Handler” in settings.
[cols=“4*”, options=“header”]
| Description | Shortcut (Win/Linux) | Shortcut (Mac) | Command Name
| Add cursor above | kbd:[Ctrl+Alt+Up] | kbd:[Ctrl+Alt+Up] | addCursorAbove
| Add cursor above (skip current) | kbd:[Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Up] | kbd:[Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Up] | addCursorAboveSkipCurrent
| Add cursor below | kbd:[Ctrl+Alt+Down] | kbd:[Ctrl+Alt+Down] | addCursorBelow
| Add cursor below (skip current) | kbd:[Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Down] | kbd:[Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Down] | addCursorBelowSkipCurrent
| Add new line after the current line | kbd:[Command+Return] | kbd:[Command+Return] | addLineAfter
| Add new line before the current line | kbd:[Command+Shift+Return] | kbd:[Command+Shift+Return] | addLineBefore
| Align cursors | kbd:[Ctrl+Alt+A] | kbd:[Ctrl+Alt+A] | alignCursors
| Append Heading | kbd:[Ctrl+H] | kbd:[Ctrl+H] | add-heading
| Backspace | kbd:[Shift+Backspace] OR kbd:[Backspace] | kbd:[Ctrl+Backspace] OR kbd:[Shift+Backspace] OR kbd:[Backspace] OR kbd:[Ctrl+H] | backspace
| Block indent | kbd:[Ctrl+] | kbd:[Ctrl+] | blockindent
| Block outdent | kbd:[Ctrl+[ ] | kbd:[Ctrl+[ ] | blockoutdent
| Bold selection | kbd:[Ctrl+B] | kbd:[Command+B] | bold-selected
| Center selection | | kbd:[Ctrl+L] | centerselection
| Change language mode… | kbd:[Command+K] OR kbd:[Input+M] | kbd:[Command+K] OR kbd:[Input+M] | modeSelect
| Codify selection | kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+C] | kbd:[Command+Shift+C] | codify-selected
| Copies the selection in editor | kbd:[Ctrl+C] | kbd:[Command+C] | copyX
| Copy Lines Down | kbd:[Ctrl+D] | kbd:[Command+D] | copylinesdown
| Copy lines up | kbd:[Alt+Shift+Up] | kbd:[Command+Option+Up] | copylinesup
| Cuts the selection in editor | kbd:[Ctrl+X] | kbd:[Command+X] | cutX
| Delete | kbd:[Delete] OR kbd:[Ctrl+D] OR kbd:[Shift+Delete] | kbd:[Delete] OR kbd:[Ctrl+D] OR kbd:[Shift+Delete] | del
| Duplicate selection | kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+D] | kbd:[Command+Shift+D] | duplicateSelection
| Expand to line | kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+L] | kbd:[Command+Shift+L] | expandtoline
| Expand to matching | kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+M] | kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+M] | expandToMatching
| Find | kbd:[Ctrl+F] | kbd:[Command+F] | find
| Find all | kbd:[Ctrl+Alt+K] | kbd:[Ctrl+Alt+G] | findAll
| Find next | kbd:[Ctrl+K] | kbd:[Command+G] | findnext
| Find previous | kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+K] | kbd:[Command+Shift+G] | findprevious
| Fold | kbd:[Alt-L] OR kbd:[Ctrl-F1] | kbd:[Command-Alt-L] OR kbd:[Command-F1] | fold
| Fold all | kbd:[Command+K] OR kbd:[Command+0] | kbd:[Ctrl+Command+Option+0] | foldall
| Fold all comments | | kbd:[Ctrl+Command+Option+0] | foldAllComments
| Fold other | kbd:[Alt+0] | kbd:[Command+Option+0] | foldOther
| Go line down | kbd:[Down] OR kbd:[Ctrl+N] | kbd:[Down] OR kbd:[Ctrl+N] | golinedown
| Go line up | kbd:[Up] OR kbd:[Ctrl+P] | kbd:[Up] OR kbd:[Ctrl+P] | golineup
| Go to end | kbd:[Ctrl+End] | kbd:[Command+End] OR kbd:[Command+Down] | gotoend
| Go to left | kbd:[Left] OR kbd:[Ctrl+B] | kbd:[Left] OR kbd:[Ctrl+B] | gotoleft
| Go to line end | kbd:[Alt+Right] OR kbd:[End] | kbd:[Command+Right] OR kbd:[End] OR kbd:[Ctrl+E] | gotolineend
| Go to line start | kbd:[Alt+Left] OR kbd:[Home] | kbd:[Command+Left] OR kbd:[Home] OR kbd:[Ctrl+A] | gotolinestart
| Go to line… | kbd:[Ctrl+L] | kbd:[Command+L] | gotoline
| Go to next error | kbd:[Alt+E] | kbd:[F4] | goToNextError
| Go to page down | kbd:[Page Down] OR kbd:[Ctrl+V] | kbd:[Page Down] OR kbd:[Ctrl+V] | gotopagedown
| Go to previous error | kbd:[Alt+Shift+E] | kbd:[Shift+F4] | goToPreviousError
| Go to right | kbd:[Right] OR kbd:[Ctrl+F] | kbd:[Right] OR kbd:[Ctrl+F] | gotoright
| Go to start | kbd:[Ctrl+Home] | kbd:[Command+Home] OR kbd:[Command+Up] | gotostart
| Go to word left | kbd:[Ctrl+Left] | kbd:[Option+Left] | gotowordleft
| Go to word right | kbd:[Ctrl+Right] | kbd:[Option+Right] | gotowordright
| Italic selection | kbd:[Ctrl+I] OR kbd:[Ctrl+İ] OR kbd:[Ctrl+I] OR kbd:[Ctrl+I] | kbd:[Command+I] OR kbd:[Command+İ] OR kbd:[Command+I] OR kbd:[Command+I] | italicize-selected
| Jump to matching | kbd:[Ctrl+] OR kbd:[Ctrl+P] | kbd:[Command+] | jumptomatching
| Modify number down | kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+Down] | kbd:[Alt+Shift+Down] | modifyNumberDown
| Modify number up | kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+Up] | kbd:[Alt+Shift+Up] | modifyNumberUp
| Move lines down | kbd:[Alt+Down] | kbd:[Option+Down] | movelinesdown
| Move lines up | kbd:[Alt+Up] | kbd:[Option+Up] | movelinesup
| Open Link | kbd:[Ctrl+F3] | kbd:[F3] | openlink
| Open command palette | kbd:[F1] | kbd:[F1] | openCommandPallete
| Outdent | kbd:[Shift+Tab] | kbd:[Shift+Tab] | outdent
| Page down | kbd:[Ctrl+Page Down] | kbd:[Option+Page Down] | pagedown
| Page up | kbd:[Ctrl+Page Up] | kbd:[Option+Page Up] | pageup
| Pastes from clipboard to AsciidocFX editor | kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+V] | kbd:[Command+Shift+V] | pasteX
| Redo | kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+Z] OR kbd:[Ctrl+Y] | kbd:[Command+Shift+Z] OR kbd:[Command+Y] | redo
| Remove line | kbd:[Ctrl+D] | kbd:[Command+D] | removeline
| Remove to line end | kbd:[Alt+Delete] | kbd:[Ctrl+K] OR kbd:[Command+Delete] | removetolineend
| Remove to line start | kbd:[Alt+Backspace] | kbd:[Command+Backspace] | removetolinestart
| Remove word left | kbd:[Ctrl+Backspace] | kbd:[Alt+Backspace] OR kbd:[Ctrl+Alt+Backspace] | removewordleft
| Remove word right | kbd:[Ctrl+Delete] | kbd:[Alt+Delete] | removewordright
| Replace | kbd:[Ctrl+H] | kbd:[Command+Option+F] | replace
| Replay macro | kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+E] | kbd:[Command+Shift+E] | replaymacro
| Select all | kbd:[Ctrl+A] | kbd:[Command+A] | selectall
| Select down | kbd:[Shift+Down] OR kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+N] | kbd:[Shift+Down] OR kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+N] | selectdown
| Select left | kbd:[Shift+Left] OR kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+B] | kbd:[Shift+Left] OR kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+B] | selectleft
| Select more after | kbd:[Ctrl+Alt+Right] | kbd:[Ctrl+Alt+Right] | selectMoreAfter
| Select more before | kbd:[Ctrl+Alt+Left] | kbd:[Ctrl+Alt+Left] | selectMoreBefore
| Select next after | kbd:[Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Right] | kbd:[Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Right] | selectNextAfter
| Select next before | kbd:[Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Left] | kbd:[Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Left] | selectNextBefore
| Select or find next | kbd:[Alt+K] | kbd:[Ctrl+G] | selectOrFindNext
| Select or find previous | kbd:[Alt+Shift+K] | kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+G] | selectOrFindPrevious
| Select right | kbd:[Shift+Right] | kbd:[Shift+Right] | selectright
| Select to end | kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+End] | kbd:[Command+Shift+End] OR kbd:[Command+Shift+Down] | selecttoend
| Select to line end | kbd:[Alt+Shift+Right] | kbd:[Command+Shift+Right] OR kbd:[Shift+End] OR kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+E] | selecttolineend
| Select to line start | kbd:[Alt+Shift+Left] | kbd:[Command+Shift+Left] OR kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+A] | selecttolinestart
| Select to matching | kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+] OR kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+P] | kbd:[Command+Shift+] | selecttomatching
| Select to start | kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+Home] | kbd:[Command+Shift+Home] OR kbd:[Command+Shift+Up] | selecttostart
| Select up | kbd:[Shift+Up] OR kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+P] | kbd:[Shift+Up] OR kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+P] | selectup
| Select word left | kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+Left] | kbd:[Option+Shift+Left] | selectwordleft
| Select word right | kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+Right] | kbd:[Option+Shift+Right] | selectwordright
| Show Firebug Console | kbd:[F12] | kbd:[F12] | firebug-lite
| Show line numbers | kbd:[Ctrl+L] | kbd:[Command+L] | line-numbers
| Show settings menu | kbd:[Ctrl+,] | kbd:[Command+,] | showSettingsMenu
| Sort lines | kbd:[Ctrl+Alt+S] | kbd:[Command+Alt+S] | sortlines
| Split into lines | kbd:[Alt+Shift+I] | kbd:[Alt+Shift+I] | splitSelectionIntoLines
| Split line | | kbd:[Ctrl+O] | splitline
| Split selection into lines | kbd:[Ctrl+Alt+L] | kbd:[Ctrl+Alt+L] | toggleSplitSelectionIntoLines
| Tab and Text snippets | kbd:[Tab] | kbd:[Tab] | indent
| To lowercase | kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+U] | kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+U] | tolowercase
| To uppercase | kbd:[Ctrl+U] | kbd:[Ctrl+U] | touppercase
| Toggle block comment | kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+/] | kbd:[Command+Shift+/] | toggleBlockComment
| Toggle comment | kbd:[Ctrl+/] | kbd:[Command+/] | togglecomment
| Toggle fold widget | kbd:[F2] | kbd:[F2] | toggleFoldWidget
| Toggle parent fold widget | kbd:[Alt+F2] | kbd:[Alt+F2] | toggleParentFoldWidget
| Toggle recording | kbd:[Ctrl+Alt+E] | kbd:[Command+Option+E] | togglerecording
| Transpose letters | kbd:[Alt+Shift+X] | kbd:[Ctrl+T] | transposeletters
| Underline selection | kbd:[Ctrl+U] | kbd:[Command+U] | underline-selected
| Undo | kbd:[Ctrl+Z] | kbd:[Command+Z] | undo
| Unfold | kbd:[Alt-Shift-L] OR kbd:[Ctrl-Shift-F1] | kbd:[Command-Alt-Shift-L] OR kbd:[Command-Shift-F1] | unfold
| Unfold all | kbd:[Alt+Shift+0] | kbd:[Command+Option+Shift+0] | unfoldall
== Known Issues
PDF output shows all text as ####::
On Linux platforms you can face with this issue. For the getting around for the issue you need to install Microsoft Core Fonts to your platform. How to install <
Mac QWERTY Keyboard Bug::
There is a bug in JavaFX which makes all keyboards on a Mac behave as “QWERTY”.
This means, that on a German “QWERTZ” layout the shortcuts for undo
and redo
are swapped.
Text Artifacts (Rainbowing) on Text::
If you are being distracted by rainbow text artifacts on text, you can work around the issue by passing some VM options in [Install_Dir]/AsciidocFX.vmoptions
, as shared in[this RichTextFX bug].
. Open AsciidocFX.vmoptions
. Add -Dprism.text=t2k
and -Dprism.lcdtext=false
to the file.
. Save and close.
. Launch AsciidocFX
== Changelog
To see what has changed in recent versions of AsciidocFX, see the[CHANGELOG]
== Support
Support AsciidocFX with pull requests or open an issue for bug & feature requests. You can make discussions in[mail group] or in the chat room at[].
openssl sha -sha256 AsciidocFX_Mac.dmg
== Contributors
Thank you to all the people who have already contributed to AsciidocFX!
image:[“Contributors”, link=“…/…/graphs/contributors”]
== Backers
Thank you to all our backers! [[Become a backer]]
image:[“Backers on Open Collective”, link=“”]
== Sponsors
Thank you to all our sponsors! (please ask your company to also support this open source project by[becoming a sponsor])
image:[link=“”, target=“_blank”]
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