aspnet 6 bootstrap

A bootstrapped ASP.NET 6 Web API solution that includes Entity Framework Core, Swashbuckle, Noda Time, Fluent Validation, Serilog, TerraFX, xUnit, Fluent Assertions, and Moq. Includes a custom fluent result API. Supports debugging in a console application or Docker. Also includes a scheduled tasks .NET worker.

Bootstrapped ASP.NET 6 Web API Solution

This repository contains a bootstrapped ASP.NET 6 Web API solution.

Changes to make after cloning

Be sure to make the following changes once you clone the repository:

  1. Set the <UserSecretsId> property in /source/Api/Company.Product.WebApi.Api.csproj to a unique GUID.
  2. Set the <UserSecretsId> property in /source/Api/Company.Product.WebApi.ScheduledTasks.csproj to a unique GUID.
  3. Rename any occurrences of Company or Product in all file contents and filenames.
  4. Carefully look through /Directory.Build.props for property values to change. Some values to change are:
    • <RepositoryRootUrl>
    • <VersionPrefix>
    • <VersionSuffix>
    • <Company>
    • <Product>
    • <Authors>
    • <Copyright>

Understand the code

The solution is opinionated about several things. It’s important to understand the purpose of each class before using the solution.

Before running applications

Things to do before running the applications:

  • Run the set-postgresql-connection-strings.ps1 script. Here is the recommended PowerShell:

    .\scripts\dev\secrets\set-postgresql-connection-strings.ps1 -Environment DeveloperDocker -DatabaseHost postgresql -DatabaseName postgres -Verbose
    .\scripts\dev\secrets\set-postgresql-connection-strings.ps1 -Environment DeveloperVisualStudio -DatabaseHost localhost -DatabaseName postgres -Verbose

Notable features

Custom fluent result API

A common need is to wrap all responses in a response body envelope. This is simple enough within controller action methods but gets more challenging outside of controller contexts (e.g., validation filters and unhandled exception handlers). Additionally, Microsoft inexplicably does not implement IActionResult for every HTTP status code.

I wrote a complete replacement for Microsoft’s controller helper methods like Ok() that I call results. With a simple fluent interface, you can construct an enveloped response. For action methods, use the ActionResult class (see HealthController.cs). For outside of controller contexts where you only have access to HttpContext, use the HttpResult class (see UnhandledExceptionHandler.cs).

Swashbuckle customizations

Swashbuckle has some annoying behavior that I was intent on fixing.

Swashbuckle does not correctly honor non-null reference types when the nullable reference type feature is enabled. The NullableSchemaFilter class corrects this behavior.

Swashbuckle does not render generic model type names correctly. The TitleFilter class corrects this behavior.

I wrote a couple of attributes that wrap common response types to reduce boilerplate.

Scheduled tasks app

The Scheduled Tasks console application can be used to execute jobs at certain times.


Seq is an excellent log sink. Both the Api and ScheduledTasks projects are configured to use Seq as a Serilog sink.

Frameworks and libraries

Framework or Library Purpose
Entity Framework Core Object-relational mapping
Fluent Assertions Test assertion
Fluent Validation Model validation
Moq Mocking
NodaTime Date/time
Quartz.NET Scheduling
Serilog (console and Seq sinks) Logging
Swashbuckle OpenAPI documentation
TerraFX Utilities
xUnit Test harness


The application is versioned using a tweaked versioning scheme from .NET Arcade.


The solution supports debugging in either a console application or Docker.