UICollectionView/UITableView data source management library
Type-safe approach to manage UITableView and UICollectionView cells. Supports expandable, pager and async loaded sources.
pod 'Astrolabe', '~> 2.1'
pod 'Astrolabe', '~> 3.0'
Each cell in Astrolabe should be configured with ViewModel. For example:
struct TestViewModel {
let title: String
let color: UIColor
To use cell in Astrolabe your cell should be inherited from base Astrolabe cell. To make initial cell configuration you should use setup()
class TestCollectionCell: CollectionViewCell {
let label: UILabel = {
let label = UILabel()
label.textColor = .black
return label
override func setup() {
label.snp.remakeConstraints { make in
To let library reuse your cell, it must conform to Reusable
extension TestCollectionCell: Reusable {
func setup(with data: TestViewModel) {
label.text = data.title
static func size(for data: TestViewModel, containerSize: CGSize) -> CGSize {
return CGSize(width: 64.0, height: 64.0)
Also, Reusable
protocol has method to provide reuse id, which is used for cell class registration. But by default class name is used for this:
public extension Reusable {
static func identifier(for data: Data) -> String {
return "\(self)"
Now your cell is able to be used in Astrolabe DataSource. Library has different types of sources for different purposes(explained below). So, your recycle container(UITableView
or UICollectionView
) can be configured with different types of sources. For example basic collection view source for static cells setup:
let containerView = CollectionView<CollectionViewSource>()
To connect ViewModel with reusable cells you should define container which conforms to Cellable
typealias Cell = CollectionCell<TestCollectionCell>
is implementation of Cellable
protocol for usage in UICollectionView. Now you can create first cell:
let cell: Cellable = Cell(data: TestViewModel("Test1"))
All UI sections represents to Sectionable
protocol here. Here are few examples of Sectionable
class Section: Sectionable {}
class HeaderSection<Container, CellView: ReusableView & Reusable>: Section {}
class CustomHeaderSection<CellView: ReusableView & Reusable>: Section {}
class FooterSection<Container, CellView: ReusableView & Reusable>: Section {}
Section can contain header, footer(or both of them) or custom supplementary view. All sections store array of cells represented items inside this section.
Configured cells should be packed into sections and provided inside data source:
let section: Sectionable = Section(cells: [cell])
containerView.source.sections = [section]
All cells has string id. This id can be used to identify id of selected item. We have the following types of selection management types and selection types:
public enum SelectionManagement {
case none
case automatic
case manual
public enum SelectionBehavior {
case single, multiple
Traditional selection management(using IndexPath
) can not always be applied, in case of async loading content for example.
Sometimes you need to use your custom UICollectionViewCell
(from some libraries for example). And it’s also possible with Astrolabe. You only need to define GenericCollectionViewSource
with you custom cell:
typealias CustomSource = GenericCollectionViewSource<MyCustomCollectionViewCell>
let containerView = CollectionView<CustomSource>()
Since each cell has unique identifier we could build expandable source on top of it. Behavior we build is actually tree-view with infinite expanding levels. Here is the source:
let containerView = TableView<TableViewExpandableSource>()
To configure set of child cells you should use special expandable cells which, for sure, conforms to Cellable
protocol and can be used as child cell:
typealias Expandable = ExpandableCollectionViewCell<TestCollectionCell>
And configure child cells:
let cells: [Cellable] = [subCell1, subCell2, subCell3]
let expandable = Expandable(data: TestViewModel("root cell"), expandableCells: cells)
Another two source types can be used for navigation between pages. Astrolabe provide two types of them:
Fixed count of statically created view controllers. It’s very easy to use actually:
let containerView = CollectionView<CollectionViewPagerSource>()
Just provide pager protocol implementation:
class PagerViewController: UIViewController, CollectionViewPager {
override func loadView() {
source.pager = self
var pages: [Page] {
return [
Page(controller: TableSourceViewController(), id: "source"),
Page(controller: TableLoaderSourceViewController(), id: "loader"),
Page(controller: TableStyledSourceViewController(), id: "styled")
All cells will be created automatically by dataSource and all lifecycle methods of child view controllers will be called in correct order.
Dynamic count of cells with embeded view controllers which can be reused. It’s also very easy to use actually:
let containerView = CollectionView<CollectionViewReusedPagerSource>()
Item ViewController must conform to ReusedPageData
class ExampleReusePagerItemViewController: UIViewController, ReusedPageData {
var data: Int? {
didSet {
// TODO:
Just provide a set of cells over section variable in source:
typealias CellView = ReusedPagerCollectionViewCell<ExampleReusePagerItemViewController>
typealias Cell = CollectionCell<CellView>
let cells: [Cellable] = data.map { Cell(data: $0) }
source.sections = [Section(cells: cells)]
Astrolabe provides great way to load async content into recycle container. Since your content can be used with different DataSources, we provided LoaderDecoratorSource
which wraps target DataSource and provide same interface. For example:
let containerView = CollectionView<LoaderDecoratorSource<CollectionViewSource>>()
To integrate loader into your code you only need:
protocol:extension BasicDataExampleCollectionViewController: Loader {
func performLoading(intent: LoaderIntent) -> SectionObservable? {
// ....
return SectionObservable.just([Section(cells: cells, page: 0)])
.delay(1.0, scheduler: MainScheduler.instance)
Where based on LoaderIntent
you can return necessary observable. Here is the list of supported intents:
public enum LoaderIntent {
case initial
case appearance
case force(keepData: Bool)
case pullToRefresh
case autoupdate
case page(page: Int)
containerView.source.loadingBehavior = [.initial, .paging, .autoupdate]
Currently Astrolabe provides the following list of loading behaviors:
public struct LoadingBehavior: OptionSet {
public static let initial = LoadingBehavior(rawValue: 1 << 0)
public static let appearance = LoadingBehavior(rawValue: 1 << 1)
public static let autoupdate = LoadingBehavior(rawValue: 1 << 2)
public static let autoupdateBackground = LoadingBehavior(rawValue: 3 << 2)
public static let paging = LoadingBehavior(rawValue: 1 << 5)
containerView.source.startProgress = {
// ..
containerView.source.stopProgress = {
// ..
containerView.source.updateEmptyView = {
// ..
Astrolabe is the best friend of Gnomon 😃
To make loading content easier over REST API using Gnomon we provide special classes called Loader
which connect Astrolabe decorator and Gnomon request. Let’s check for example simple plain loader protocol:
public protocol PLoader: class {
// Result type
associatedtype PLResult: OptionalResult
// Return configured request
func request(for loadingIntent: LoaderIntent) throws -> Request<PLResult>
// Map response model into array of sections(called in background thread)
func sections(from result: PLResult, loadingIntent: LoaderIntent) -> [Sectionable]?
// Additional after setup(called in main thread)
func didReceive(result: PLResult, loadingIntent: LoaderIntent)
And then in LoaderProtocol
implementation just return:
func performLoading(intent: LoaderIntent) -> SectionObservable? {
// ....
return Astrolabe.load(pLoader: loader, intent: intent)