
Simple and straightforward sublass of UITextfield to manage string suggestions



Simple and straightforward sublass of UITextfield to manage string suggestions

Plain Attributed
Plain Attributed


Drag AutoCompleteTextField Folder in your project

How to use


Customize autocomplete suggestions! You can override the provided properties to create your desired appearance.
Properties are pretty self explanatory. Some of them are listed below, with their respective default values:

/// Font for the text suggestions
public var autoCompleteTextFont = UIFont(name: "HelveticaNeue-Light", size: 12)
/// When set to true, shows autocomplete text with formatting
public var enableAttributedText = false
/// User Defined Attributes
public var autoCompleteAttributes:[String:AnyObject]?
/// Hides autocomplete tableview after selecting a suggestion
public var hidesWhenSelected = true

Setting Content

The most important property to use is the autoCompleteStrings. As what is declared in the description setting the value of this will automatically reload the tableview, through the use of didSet

/// The strings to be shown on as suggestions, setting the value of this automatically reload the tableview
public var autoCompleteStrings:[String]?{
   didSet{ reload() }

User Interactions

To handle text changed event, use onTextChange: closure. This returns the current text content of the textfield.

autocompleteTextfield.onTextChange = {[weak self] text in 
// your code goes here

To know when user selected a text, use onSelect: closure: This returns the selected text and it’s indexPath.

autocompleteTextfield.onSelect = {[weak self] text, indexpath in
// your code goes here

It’s that easy! Feel free to use it, don’t worry, it’s free. 😃

Example Code:

In the example project, I used Google Places Autocomplete API to show the usage of this library. For testing purposes i created my own google api key.

If you want to create your own Google Api Key follow the steps in this link

Note: Recent updates in google places API requires you to enable “Google Places API Web Service” and use a Server Key instead of an iOS key. To do so, go to Google Developers Console.


AutocompleteTextfield is under MIT license. See LICENSE for details.