bamcc — split SAM/BAM files into connected components
A set of sequence alignments (represented as a BAM/SAM/CRAM file) defines
a bipartite graph in which the nodes are reference and template sequences
and the edges are alignments between a template and a reference.
bamcc splits this graph into connected components and reports the mapping from
reference sequences to their components.
This is useful e.g. when analyzing multireads in an RNA-Seq experiment,
where connected components can be analyzed independently.
bamcc input.bam output.tsv
The output.tsv
file will look like this:
seqid seqname component
0 FBtr0005088 0
1 FBtr0006151 1
2 FBtr0070000 2
3 FBtr0070002 0
4 FBtr0070003 2
5 FBtr0070006 3
is the 0-based number of the reference sequence.seqname
is the reference sequence name.component
is the 0-based component number to which the reference has beenTo extract, say, the 17th component into a separate bam file, run
samtools view -bh -o example.17.bam example.sorted.bam \
$(awk 'BEGIN{ORS=" "} NR>1 && $3==17 {print $2}' rsem_orig.tsv)
This will create an executable bamcc
in the current directory.
First, run make
Then, run ./test
This will update all files test_files/example*.tsv
Failures may appear either as messages from bamcc
or differences in output
files reported by git diff
Do not run this program on untrusted or potentially malformed input files.