WatchOS 3.0 Complication Tracking Air Quality of Major Chinese Cities 苹果表盘实时追踪北上广沈蓉空气污染指数

WatchOS 3.0 Complication of Real-time Air Quality for Major Chinese Cities 苹果表盘实时刷新北上广沈蓉空气质量
- Real-time PM 2.5 readings for major Chinese cities right on your clock face.
- All five major Chinese cities included: Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenyang and Chengdu.
- Closely tracks the latest data with a maximum delay of 30 minutes.
- A clean and consice complication widget that fits perfectly on your every WatchOS 3.0 clock face.
- Written with and compiled against the latest Swift 3.0 SDK.
- 在你的苹果手表表盘上追踪最新空气污染数据。
- 支持城市: 上海、北京、广州、沈阳和成都。
- 实时后台刷新,最大延迟小于30分钟。
- 精美 complication 视图,适配 WatchOS 3.0 所有表盘。
- 使用最新 Swift 3.0 编写。
Don’t Take Clean Air for Granted 空气质量与健康息息相关

Where the Data Come from? 数据源
How to Install 如何安装
- Make sure you have an iPhone paired with an Apple Watch.
- Connect your iPhone to your Mac computer.
- Clone the project.
- Run the complication target on your iPhone.
- Let Xcode help you if there’s any code signing error.
- When you see logs appearing in the Xcode console, the installation is done. Hit the stop button.
- 准备好 iPhone 和与之匹配的苹果手表
- 将 iPhone 连接到电脑上
- 将源代码克隆到本地
- 运行 complication target
- 如果出现代码签名错误,让 Xcode 尝试自动解决。
- 当 Xcode 控制台开始打印日志时,说明安装已经完成。点击停止按钮。
How to Set-up the Complication 如何设置表盘 Complication
- Go to your watch. Force touch to customize. Find the complication named PM2.5.
- If the reading is not ready yet, you will see Press to Refresh (or ?? if the comllication style you choose is a smaller one.).
- Press the complication to see the watch app.
- In the watch app, press the City button to select your city.
- Also in the watch app, press the Refresh button to force-start the initial refresh.
- When the watch app is done refreshing, you will find meaningful data displayed right above the refresh and city buttons.
- When the refresh is done, hit the digital crown to go back to the clock face.
- 用力按压表盘,进入自定义表盘模式,找到名字叫 PM2.5 的 Complication。
- 如果实时刷新数据尚未就绪,你将会看到 Press to Refresh 字样(或者是 “??” 字样,如果你选择的 Complication 样式比较小)。
- 点击 Complication,进入对应的 Watch App。
- 在 Watch App 中,点击 City 按钮选择城市。
- 仍然在 Watch App 中,点击 Refresh 按钮触发第一次强制刷新。
- 如果刷新成功,你会在按钮上方看到最新的空气污染数据。
- 刷新成功以后,按压电子旋钮回到表盘。
Auto-refresh is Implemented Using WKRefreshBackgroundTask 后台自动刷新使用 WKRefreshBackgroundTask 实现
Enable the Hidden Debug Mode 开启隐藏的 Debug 模式
- If you want to dive in and play around, go to the CommonUtil.swift, set DEBUG_LOCAL_NOTIFICATION to true. Delete and reinstall the app, debug information will start popping up from time to time as local notifications.
- 如果你想深入了解代码每时每刻的工作状况,去 CommonUtil.swift 里面,将 DEBUG_LOCAL_NOTIFICATION 设为 true 。删掉然后重装 app。代码的工作情况将会以本地通知的形式呈现在你眼前。