The standalone version Blade Template Engine without Laravel in a single php file and without dependencies
BladeOne is a standalone version of Blade Template Engine that uses a single PHP file and can be ported and used in different projects. It allows you to use blade template outside Laravel.
Dynamic blade components are not supported (reason: performance purpose) and custom features aimed for blade, but everything else is supported.
(spoiler) Twig is slower. đ
First Time Time | First Time Memory | Overload First Time | Second Time | Second Time Memory | |
BladeOne | 1962ms | 2024kb | 263 | 1917ms | 2024kb |
Twig | 3734ms | 2564kb | 123 | 3604ms | 2327kb |
What it was tested?. It was tested two features (that are the most used): It was tested with an array with
1000 elements and tested many times.
â If you want to open an inquiry, do you have a doubt, or you find a bug, then you could open an ISSUE.
Please, donât email me (or send me PM) directly for question or reports.
Also, if you want to reopen a report, then you are open to do that.
I will try to answer all and every one of the question (in my limited time).
ExampleTicketPHP | Example cupcakes | Example Search | Example Editable Grid |
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![]() |
![]() |
Custom control #1 | Custom control #2 | || |
This version does not support PHP 5.x anymore. However, you can use the old version that is 100% functional with PHP 5.6 and higher.
You can find some tutorials and example on the folder Examples.
You could also check the Wiki
By standard, The original Blade library is part of Laravel (Illuminate components) and to use this template library, you require install Laravel and Illuminate-view components.
The syntax of Blade is pretty nice and bright. Itâs based in C# Razor (another template library for C#). Itâs starting to be considered a de-facto standard template system for many PHP (Smarty has been riding off the sunset since years ago) so, if we can use it without Laravel then
itâs a big plus for many projects.
In fact, in theory, it is even possible to use with Laravel.
Exists different versions of Blade Template that runs without Laravel, but most requires 50 or more files, and those templates add a new level of complexity, so they are not removing Laravel but hiding:
This project uses a single file called BladeOne.php and a single class (called BladeOne).
If you want to use it then include it, creates the folders and thatâs it!. Nothing more (not even namespaces)*[]: It is also possible to use Blade even with Laravel or any other framework. After all, BladeOne is native, so itâs possible to integrate into almost any project.
Letâs say that we have the next code
//some PHP code
// some HTML code
// more PHP code
// more HTML code.
It leads to a mess of a code. For example, letâs say that we oversee changing the visual layout of the page. In this case, we should change all the code,
and we could even break part of the programming.
Instead, using a template system works in the next way:
// some php code
We are separating the visual layer from the code layer. As a plus, we could assign a non-php-programmer in charge to edit the template, and he/she doesnât need to touch or know our php code.
Letâs say that we have the next exercise (itâs a dummy example)
echo "my name is ".$name;
It could be separates as two files:
include "template.php";
// template.php
echo "my name is ".$name;
Even for this simple example, there is a risk of hacking. How? A user could send malicious code by using the GET variable, such as html or even javascript.
The second file should be written as follows:
// template.php
echo "my name is ".html_entities($name);
html_entities should be used in every single part of the visual layer (html) where the user could inject malicious code, and itâs a real tedious work. BladeOne does it automatically.
// template.blade.php
My name is {{$name}}
BladeOne is focused on an easy syntax that itâs fast to learn and to write, while it could keep the power of PHP.
Letâs consider the next template:
<? foreach($countries as $c) { ?>
<option value=<? echo html_entities($c->value); ?> > <? echo html_entities($c->text); ?></option>
<? } ?>
With BladeOne, we could do the same with
@foreach($countries as $c)
<option value={{$c->value}} >{{echo html_entities($c->text)}}</option>
And if we use thehtml extension we could even reduce to
This library works in two stages.
The first is when the template calls the first time. In this case, the template compiles and store in a folder.
The second time the template calls then, it uses the compiled file. The compiled file consist mainly in native PHP, so the performance is equals than native code. since the compiled version IS PHP.
You could add and use your own function by adding a new method (or extending) to the BladeOne class. NOTE: The function should start with the name âcompileâ
protected function compileMyFunction($expression)
return $this->phpTag . "echo 'YAY MY FUNCTION IS WORKING'; ?>";
Where the function could be used in a template as follows
Alternatively, BladeOne allows running arbitrary code from any class or method if its defined.
If you use composer, then you could add the library using the next command (command line)
composer require eftec/bladeone
If you donât use it, then you could download the library and include it manually.
use eftec\bladeone\BladeOne;
$views = __DIR__ . '/views';
$cache = __DIR__ . '/cache';
$blade = new BladeOne($views,$cache,BladeOne::MODE_DEBUG); // MODE_DEBUG allows to pinpoint troubles.
echo $blade->run("hello",array("variable1"=>"value1")); // it calls /views/hello.blade.php
Where $views
is the folder where the views (templates not compiled) will be stored.
is the folder where the compiled files will be stored.
In this example, the BladeOne opens the template hello. So in the views-folder it should exist a file called hello.blade.php
In this mode, it uses the folders __DIR__/views
and __DIR__/compiles
, also it uses the mode as MODE_AUTO.
use eftec\bladeone\BladeOne;
$blade = new BladeOne(); // MODE_DEBUG allows to pinpoint troubles.
echo $blade->run("hello",array("variable1"=>"value1")); // it calls /views/hello.blade.php
You can inject the Bladeone using an existing instance of it. If there is no instance, then it will create a new one using
the default folders.
echo $blade->run("hello",array("variable1"=>"value1")); // it calls /views/hello.blade.php
use eftec\bladeone\BladeOne;
$blade = new BladeOne(); // MODE_DEBUG allows to pinpoint troubles.
echo $blade->setView('hello') // it sets the view to render
->share(array("variable1"=>"value1")) // it sets the variables to sends to the view
->run(); // it calls /views/hello.blade.php
It is possible to modify the result by adding filters to the result.
Letâs say we have the next value $name=âJack Sparrowâ
$blade=new BladeOne();
$blade->pipeEnable=true; // pipes are disable by default so it must be enable.
echo $blade->run('template',['name'=>'Jack Sparrow']);
Our view could look like:
{{$name}} or {!! $name !!} // Jack Sparrow
What if we want to show the name in uppercase?.
We could do in our code $name=strtoupper(âJack Sparrowâ). With Pipes, we could do the same as follows:
{{$name | strtoupper}} // JACK SPARROW
We could also add arguments and chain methods.
{{$name | strtoupper | substr:0,5}} // JACK
You can find more information on
require "vendor/autoload.php";
Use eftec\bladeone;
$views = __DIR__ . '/views';
$cache = __DIR__ . '/cache';
$blade=new bladeone\BladeOne($views,$cache,BladeOne::MODE_AUTO);
$blade->setAuth('johndoe','admin'); // where johndoe is an user and admin is the role. The role is optional
echo $blade->run("hello",array("variable1"=>"value1"));
If you log in using blade then you could use the tags @auth/@endauth/@guest/@endguest
// The user is authenticated...
// The user is not authenticated...
// The user is authenticated...
// The user is not authenticated...
There are multiples ways to create a new control (tag)
Since 3.34, BladeOne allows to call a static method inside a class.
Letâs say we have a class with namespace \namespace1\namespace2
namespace namespace1\namespace2 {
class SomeClass {
public static function Method($arg='') {
return "hi world";
We could add a âuseâ in the template. Example:
Add the next line to the template
and the next lines to the template (different methods)
{!! SomeClass::Method() !!}
All those methods are executed at runtime
Or we could define alias for each class.
php code:
$blade = new BladeOne();
// with the method addAliasClasses
$blade->addAliasClasses('SomeClass', '\namespace1\namespace2\SomeClass');
// with the setter setAliasClasses
// or directly in the field
{!! SomeClass::Method() !!}
We wonât need alias or use for global classes.
BladeOne allows named arguments. This feature must be implemented per function.
Letâs say the next problem:
It is the old library BladeOneHtml:
@item('0','--Select a country--',"",class='form-control'")
And it is the new library:
@select(id="aaa" value=$selection values=$countries alias=$country)
@item(value='aaa' text='-- select a country--')
@items( id="chkx" value=$country->id text=$country->name)
The old method select only allows a limited number of arguments. And the order of the arguments is important.
The new method select allows adding different types of arguments
BladeOne (since the version v4.2) allows to run some operations via command line (CLI)
How to run it?
php vendor/bin/bladeonecli # windows/linux/macos
# or you could execute the script as:
./vendor/bin/bladeonecli.bat # windows
./vendor/bin/bladeonecli # linux/macos
Or change you folder according to your installation.
And you can set the syntax as follows:
Clear the compile-folder
php vendor/lib/eftec/bladeone/lib/BladeOne.php -clearcompile
Check the folders, if the folder exists, if it has the right permissions, etc.
php vendor/lib/eftec/bladeone/lib/BladeOne.php -check
Example to clear the compile-folder using a custom compile path
php vendor/lib/eftec/bladeone/lib/BladeOne.php -clearcompile -compilepath mycompile # relative path to the current location
php vendor/lib/eftec/bladeone/lib/BladeOne.php -clearcompile -compilepath /var/mycompile # absolute path (Linux/MacOS)
php vendor/lib/eftec/bladeone/lib/BladeOne.php -clearcompile -compilepath c:\var\mycompile # absolute path (Windows)
It is a new extension to BladeOne. It allows creating HTML components easily and with near-to-native performance.
It uses a new feature of BladeOne: named arguments
Example to create a select:
@select(id="aaa" value=$selection values=$countries alias=$country)
@item(value='aaa' text='-- select a country--')
@items( id="chkx" value=$country->id text=$country->name)
You could download it or add it via Composer
composer require eftec/bladeonehtml
You are welcome to use it, share it, ask for changes and whatever you want to. Just keeps the copyright notice in the file.
MIT License.
BladeOne © 2016-2025 Jorge Patricio Castro Castillo
Blade © 2012 Laravel Team (This code is based and inspired in the work of the team of Laravel, however BladeOne is
mostly an original work)