blanq slate

A simple CSS reset that normalizes element spacing, font sizes and input styles.


A simple CSS reset that includes removal of default input styling.


BlanqSlate is designed to make it easier for you to start writing your own styles. Its main purpose is to normalize element styles across browsers and remove opinionated styles like font sizes, margins and padding. Some key features include:

  • Sets border-box box sizing on all elements
  • Removes default margins and padding
  • Sets all font sizes to base browser size
  • Sets responsive media elements
  • Resets table spacing
  • Normalizes styling for button and input elements
  • Fixes many browser-specific display bugs

Inspired by MiniReset.css and Bootstrap Reboot.


npm install blanq-slate

Or download/clone the repo.


Include full or minified version:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="blanq-slate.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="blanq-slate.min.css">

Elements Page

You can view a page of all HTML elements to see the effects of BlanqSlate by cloning the repo and opening index.html in a browser.