
Another ruby/rails bloat and memory leak debugging tool.


= bloat_check

BloatCheck is yet another tool for debugging bloat and memory leaks in ruby
projects. This one has the feature that you can wrap any bit of code with
a “BloatCheck” and it will log elapsed time, and memory & object growth.

Plus you can include it in any rails controller to log that same info per

== Installation

gem ‘bloat_check’

== Usage: Ruby Code

Put this line anywhere:

    BloatCheck.log("some label")

and it will write to the log the current time, process memory size, and 5 ruby
objects classes with most instances, prefixed with “BLOAT[pid]” and your label.

Wrap it around any existing code, such as

    BloatCheck.log("here's looking at you") do

And it will write to the log the deltas: elapsed time, change in memory
size, and 5 ruby object classes that had the largest increase in number of

== Usage: Rails Controllers

In a rails controller, you can do

    class MyController < ApplicationController
        include BloatCheck::WrapRequests

        # etc.

and every request will log the deltas incurred during that request.

== Disabling (e.g., when running tests)

BloatCheck is slow (calls system ‘ps’, and runs through
ObjectSpace#each_object), so you might want to disable it in your unit
tests or integration tests. Do that via:

    BloatCheck.disable = true

Put this, e.g. in your spec/spec_helper.rb file

== Choosing the logger

By default, BloatCheck logs to the Rails logger if Rails is defined, or to
STDOUT otherwise. But you can specify your own logger using

    BloatCheck.logger =

== Versions

Has been tested on MRI 1.9.3 and Rails 3.2

== History

== Copyright

Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.