💖 ASP.NET Core 8.0 全家桶教程,前后端分离后端接口,vue教程姊妹篇,官方文档:
Blog.Core is an enterprise-class back-to-back separation framework for.NET Core5.0 API + Vue 2.x + RBAC.
Website: http://apk.neters.club/.doc/
Has been used by several companies: [click to view list] (https://github.com/anjoy8/Blog.Core/issues/75)
Project single deployment, concurrent at 400~500, all normal (do not guarantee their own various error writing).
The effect is even better if the load is matched.
Framework module:
Blog. Core. Webapi. Template
project Template, a key ✨ rebuild their projects;Component module:
Micro service module:
If you like this project or it helps you, please send it to STAR ~
If your project from the project, please explain a little bit down [https://github.com/anjoy8/Blog.Core/issues/75] (https://github.com/anjoy8/Blog.Core/issues/75), Open source is not easy ✨.
Still in the process of sorting out, but the basic operations, including how to get started, configure data, connect to DB, and so on
[the official documentation] (http://apk.neters.club/.doc/)
Official account important articles + video address
Jianshu: https://www.jianshu.com/notebooks/28621653
Blog Park: https://www.cnblogs.com/laozhang-is-phi/
Code Cloud: Https://gitee.com/laozhangIsPhi/Blog.Core
System environment
Windows 10, SQL Server 2012, Visual Studio 2017, Windows Server R2
Back-end Technology:
*. NET core 2.0 API (because you want to simply build front and rear separation, so choose the API,
if you want to understand. Net Core MVC, you can also communicate)
Swagger front and rear end document description, writing interface based on restful style
Repository + Service Warehousing mode programming
Async and await asynchronous programming
Cors Simple cross-domain solution
AOP based on tangent programming technology
AUTOFAC lightweight IOC and di dependency injection
Vue Local Agent cross-domain scenario, Nginx cross-domain proxy
JWT Permission Authentication
Database technology
Sqlsugar Lightweight ORM Framework, Codefirst
T4 Template generation
AutoMapper Automatic Object mapping
Distributed caching technology
Front End Technology
Vue 2.0 Framework Family Barrel Vue2 + VueRouter2 + Webpack + Axios + vue-cli + Vuex
Elementui component library based on Vue 2.0
Nuxt.js Server Render SSR