
Execution primitives that force explicit error handling and never call the shell.


build_execution gem

Execution primitives that force explicit error handling and never call the shell.

How to use

The interface is similar to Open3.capture2e. We print the command to stdout before running it (unless :quiet=> true). By default the command process shares the calling process’s stdout, but this can be changed. Options passed to fail_on_error are passed through to popen2e.

> require 'build_execution'
> fail_on_error('/bin/echo', '-n', 'asdf')
Running Command:
"/bin/echo" "-n" "asdf"
asdf => "asdf"
> fail_on_error('/bin/echo', '-n', 'asdf', :quiet=>true)
 => "asdf"

fail_pipe_on_error has a similar interface, but it takes lists of commands similar to Open3.pipeline. Any additional options are passed to Open3.pipeline_r under the hood.