A Caching Library is written in Swift that can cache JSON, Image, Zip or AnyObject with expiry date/TTYL and force refresh.
Nice threadsafe expirable cache management that can cache any object. Supports fetching from server, single object expire date, UIImageView loading etc.
CachyKit is available through CocoaPods. To install
it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'CachyKit'
then run
$ pod repo update
$ pod install
.import CachyKit
If you want to download and cache a file(JSON, ZIP, UIImage or any type) then simply call with a url
let cachy = CachyLoader()
cachy.loadWithURL(URL(string: "http://your_url_here")!) { [weak self] data, _ in
// Do whatever you need with the data object
You can also cache with URLRequest
let cachy = CachyLoader()
let request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "http://your_url_here")!)
cachy.loadWithURLRequest(request) { [weak self] data, _ in
// Do whatever you need with the data object
if you want set expiry date for each object
let cachy = CachyLoader()
//(optional) if isRefresh = true it will forcefully refresh data from remote server
//(optional) you can set **expirationDate** according to your need
cachy.loadWithURL(URL(string: "http://your_url_here")!,isRefresh = false,expirationDate = ExpiryDate.everyDay.expiryDate()) { [weak self] data, _ in
// Do whatever you need with the data object
Clear all cache
CachyLoader has also UIImageView extension.
//(optional) if isShowLoading is true it will show a loading indicator
imageView.cachyImageLoad("your URL", isShowLoading: true, completionBlock: { _, _ in })
It will download, cache and load UIImage into your UIImageView
CachyLoader is also configurable, by calling function CachyLoaderManager.shared.configure()
// All the parametre is optional
// Here if you want set how much much memory/disk should use set memoryCapacity, diskCapacity
// To cache only on memory set isOnlyInMemory which is true by default
// You may set expiry date for all the cache object by setting expiryDate
// Your objects may not be conforming to `NSSecureCoding`, set this variable to `false`
memoryCapacity: 1020,
maxConcurrentOperationCount: 10,
timeoutIntervalForRequest: 3,
expiryDate: ExpiryDate.everyWeek,
isOnlyInMemory: true,
isSupportingSecureCodingSaving: false
expiryDate parametre takes
To cache using CachyLoader is the easiest way to do, but if you want manage your caching, sycning and threading CachyKit also supports that.
Here is how you can setup some configuration options
Cachy.countLimit = 1000 // setup total count of elements saved into the cache
Cachy.totalCostLimit = 1024 * 1024 // setup the cost limit of the cache
Cachy.shared.expiration = .everyDay // setup expiration date of each object in the cache
Cachy.shared.isOnlyInMemory = false // will be cached on Memory only or both
If you want to add or fetch an object you just follow these simple steps:
//1. Create a CachyObject
let object = CachyObject(value: "HEllo, Worlds", key: "key")
// A given expiry date will be applied to the item
let object2 = CachyObject(value: "HEllo, Worlds", key: "key",expirationDate: ExpiryDate.everyDay.expiryDate())
//2. Add it to the cache
Cachy.shared.add(object: object)
//3. Fetch an object from the cache
let string: String? = Cachy.shared.get(forKey: "key")
Follow and contact me on Twitter or LinkedIn. If you find an issue, just open a ticket. Pull requests are warmly welcome as well.
If you want fix anything or improve or add any new feature you are very much welcome.
Cachy is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.