
Re-usable, composable Capistrano tasks for git tagging and other git workflow



Gem Version

Re-usable, composable Capistrano tasks for git tagging and other work with the
git repository you use for your Cap deploys.

  • Ensure your local git is committed and pushed, so you are deploying what you
    think you are.
  • Automatically git tag the deploy
  • Enforce a multistage workflow where only a tagged staging release can be deployed
    to production (ala gitflow)

Functionality is split into discrete yet composable tasks, with sensible defaults
but configurable, so you can build a cap recipe that fits your
requirements and workflow. Ordinary single stage or multi-stage; with or without
interactive confirmation prompts; using git however you’re already or would like
to be using it.

(_Inspired by Alan Pinstein and Josh Nichols’ neat
gitflow, but refactored for more
flexiblity with less hardcoded workflow. Some functionality changed in the


gem install cap_git_tools

Or if in the context of something using bundler such as Rails, add to Gemfile

gem 'cap_git_tools', :group => :development

Add to top of a relevant Capistrano file (such as config/deploy.rb ordinarily):

require 'cap_git_tools/tasks'

This makes cap_git_tool’s tasks available to you, but doesn’t automatically wire
them up to be used by your cap deploy. See below.

You probably want to make sure you have an ssh-agent set up, or you’ll have to
enter your private key password to access git several times.

Note: You will need to be
running your cap recipes from a directory with a git checkout (usual behavior
for cap usage, but not actually required otherwise by cap).

Ensure git is committed and pushed when deploying

Have you ever deployed the ‘wrong’ thing, because you forgot to commit and/or
push your changes to git? I have.

Have cap make sure you’re committed and pushed before deploying by adding to
your recipe in deploy.rb:

before "deploy:update_code", "git:guard_committed", "git:guard_upstream"

Or use just one or the other

  • guard_committed makes sure you have no uncommitted changes. IF you have a :branch set
    in your cap recipe, it will also make sure your curent checkout matches that branch.
  • guard_upstream makes sure the current working copy branch committed tip (or local branch matching Cap
    :branch, if set) matches the upstream remote version.

Automatically tag on deploy

Every time you deploy, want to have Capistrano automatically tag exactly what
gets deployed, with a tag like “deploy-2012-04-11-1517”?

Add this to your Cap recipe, usefully combining with the tasks to make sure
your git copy is ‘clean’ as discussed above:

before "deploy:update_code", "git:guard_committed", "git:guard_upstream", "git:tag"

That’s a date and timestamp, deploy-yyyy-mm-dd-hhmm.

If you are using multistage, instead of “deploy-” as a prefix, it’ll use
the current stage name like “production” or “staging” (but see below for
fancier multi-stage workflow).

Ordinarily what’s in your current git checkout will be tagged; but if
you have set cap’s :branch, it’ll tag and deploy the HEAD of that branch
even if that’s not your current checkout.

You can customize the prefix and other aspects of tagging, both in your recipe
and with command line over-rides, see cap -e git:tag for more info.

Multistage workflow

Are you using Capistrano’s multistage
In one commonly desired multistage workflow (similar to what
gitflow enforces):

  • Under staging, you want automatic tagging with staging-yyyy-mm-dd-hhmm, just
    as above under ‘Automatically tag on deploy’. Add to your config/deploy/staging.rb:

        before "deploy:update_code", "git:guard_committed", "git:guard_upstream", "git:tag"
  • Under production, you want to take the most recent ‘staging’ tag, and promote
    it by deploying that tag to production, re-tagging with a “production-” tag.
    Maybe you also want to print out the commit log between the last production
    tag and what you’re about to deploy, and require interactive confirmation.
    Add to your config/deploy/production.rb:

        before "deploy:update_code",  "git:commit_log", "git:retag"
        set :confirm_tag, true

Say you cap staging deploy on April 1 2012 at noon, your deploy will be
tagged staging-2012-04-01-1200.

Say on April 2 at noon, you run cap production deploy

  • you’ll be a shown a commit log of changes between the previous production-
    commit and your most recent staging- commit, staging-2012-04-01-1200.
  • You’ll be asked to confirm, (set :confirm_tag, true)
  • And then the deploy will happen, with new tag added production-2012-04-02-1200
    • Note it’s timestamped with date of production deploy. The commit message
      for the production- tag will say which staging- tag was retagged.

The git:retag task has some configurable options (in your recipe or on the
individual command line invocation) too, see cap -e git:retag.

Make your own recipe

Look at cap -T git to see the tasks added by cap_git_tools. Run cap -e taskname to see expanded documentation info on each one, covering more
specifics of what it does and what cap variables can alter it’s behavior.

Some behaviors can be customized by ‘capistrano variables’. These can be set in
a recipe:

set :variable, "value"

Or set/over-ridden on the individual cap command line invocation:

cap deploy -s variable=value

Doesn’t matter if you use cap ‘-s’ or ‘-S’, cap_git_tools tasks always lazily
look up these values.

Other tools

cap git:commit_log to see the commits between the last tagged release
and what you’d deploy now with cap deploy. Works in singlestage recipe, or
multistage under ‘cap staging git:commit_log’ or ‘cap production

cap git:show_tags to show the last 3 deploy tags, with meta information.
Works in single stage recipe or multistage.

To Be Done

  • Tag names are automatically created with a year-month-day-hour-minute timestamp.
    However, if you try to deploy again before the minute’s changed on the clock,
    the tasks will try to re-tag using an already used name. You’ll get an error and
    the task will abort, but the task could be written to catch this and add a
    suffix. But it ain’t yet.

  • There is some limited experimental functionality to change the format and add
    new components to the automatically created tag name, using a
    variable. This theoretically allows the who and what components used by
    gitflow. But doing the ‘right thing’ in multistage (copying the ‘what’ from the
    previous tag, but regenerating the rest) is a bit tricky, and hasn’t been done
    yet, which is what keeps this functionality limited and experimental at this

Let me know

Feedback, pull requests, complaints, welcome. Not sure if anyone’s gonna use