cfn nag pipeline

Lambda function to run cfn_nag in CodePipeline




A lambda function to run cfn_nag as an action in CodePipeline.


To install, navigate to the cfn-nag-pipeline application in the AWS Serverless Repo (SAR) console and click deploy.

Custom Rules

The “application” deployed in SAR always reflects the latest version of cfn_nag published to This means the “core” rules should always be up to date. That said, if you have developed custom rules, as of 0.5.5 you can load those rules from an S3 bucket of your choosing. At the point of deploying the “application” from SAR, you can select a rule bucket name and a prefix within that bucket. Any objects with a key of the form: prefix/\*Rule.rb will be loaded as a cfn_nag rule.

Reference the Lambda from AWS CodePipeline

  • Add a source step for a repository with CloudFormation templates
  • Add a downstream build step with provider AWS Lambda
  • Select the function name cfn-nag-pipeline
  • Select the glob for CloudFormation templates in the user parameters section for the step: e.g. spec/test_templates/json/ec2_volume/*.json
  • Select the name of the Input Artifact from the repository
  • For an example of such a pipeline, in this repository see: spec/e2e/code_pipeline_using_nag.yml


  • Ensure awscli is installed. The credentials will need permission to create an S3 bucket, lambda functions, and an IAM role for the functions (at least)
  • To run tests and build the lambda function, run: rake
  • To deploy the function, run: rake deploy
  • e2e_role.yml is necessary to run the release pipeline