chakra react select

A Chakra UI wrapper for the popular library React Select


chakra-react-select v4

This version of chakra-react-select is updated for
Chakra UI v2 which works
exclusively with React v18. chakra-react-select v3 will be maintained until
the majority of users have migrated. If you’re still using Chakra UI v1 check
the docs for chakra-react-select v3 here.

This component is a wrapper for the popular react component
react-select made using the UI library
Chakra UI.

Chakra React Select Banner

Check out these demos:


NOTE: Before leaving an issue on this project, remember that this is just a
wrapper for react-select, not a standalone package. A large percentage of
the questions people have end up being about how react-select itself works, so
please read through their documentation to familiarize yourself with it!



To use this package, you’ll need to have @chakra-ui/react@2 set up
like in the guide in their docs. If you
already have @chakra-ui/react@1 set up you can follow the steps in
the official migration guide
to update to v2. If you don’t have Chakra UI installed already, you can install
it like this:

npm i @chakra-ui/react @emotion/react@^11.8.1 @emotion/styled@^11 framer-motion@^6
# ...or...
yarn add @chakra-ui/react @emotion/react@^11.8.1 @emotion/styled@^11 framer-motion@^6

NOTE: As of
your project will need to have a minimum of @emotion/[email protected] installed to
avoid having multiple copies of @emotion/react installed. For more info, see
PR #115.

After Chakra UI is set up,
install this package from NPM:

npm i chakra-react-select
# ...or...
yarn add chakra-react-select

Once installed, you can import the base select package, the async select, the
creatable select or the async creatable select like so:

import {
} from "chakra-react-select";
// ...or...
const {
} = require("chakra-react-select");

All exports, including types, from the original react-select package are also
exported from this package, so you can import any of them if you need them. The
only exception is the root Select components.

Implementing this component in your application should be almost identical to
how you’d normally use react-select. It will
accept all of the props that the original package does, with a few additions and
exceptions listed below. So if you have a question on basic usage, your best bet
is to check the original docs or google “How to (some functionality) with
react-select” and just swap out react-select for chakra-react-select.

Extra Props

size — Options: ResponsiveValue<"sm" | "md" | "lg"> — Default: md

You can pass the size prop with either sm, md, or lg (default is md).
These will reflect the sizes available on the
Chakra <Input /> component
(except for xs because it’s too small to work). Alternatively, you can pass a
responsive style array or object
of size values to allow it to change depending on your theme’s breakpoints.

If no size is passed, it will default to defaultProps.size from the theme
for Chakra’s Input component. If your component theme for Input is not
modified, it will be md.

return (
    <Select size="sm" />
    <Select size="md" /> {/* Default */}
    <Select size="lg" />



You can pass the colorScheme prop to the select component to change all of the
selected options tags’ colors. You can view the whole list of available color
schemes in the Chakra docs,
or if you have a custom color palette, any of the custom color names in that
will be available instead.

Alternatively, you can add the colorScheme key to any of your options objects
and it will only style that option when selected.

return (
    {/* The global color scheme */}
        label: "I am red",
        value: "i-am-red",
        colorScheme: "red", // The option color scheme overrides the global
        label: "I fallback to purple",
        value: "i-am-purple",


tagVariant — Options: subtle | solid | outline — Default: subtle

You can pass the tagVariant prop with either subtle, solid, or outline
(default is subtle). These will reflect the variant prop available on the
Chakra <Tag /> component.
Alternatively, if you have added any custom variants to your theme, you can use
those instead.

Alternatively, you can add the variant key to any of your options objects and
it will only style that option when selected. This will override the
tagVariant prop on the select if both are set

return (
    {/* The global variant */}
        label: "I have the outline style",
        value: "i-am-outlined",
        variant: "outline", // The option variant overrides the global
        label: "I fallback to the global `solid`",
        value: "i-am-solid",


isInvalid — Default: false | isReadOnly - Default: false

You can pass isInvalid to the select component to style it like the Chakra
Input is styled when it receives the same prop. Alternatively, you can pass
isReadOnly to make the component non-interactive in the same way Chakra’s
Input does.

You can pass also pass isInvalid, isDisabled, or isReadOnly into a
wrapping <FormControl /> to achieve the same result as passing these props
into the Select component.

return (
    {/* This will show up with a red border */}
    <Select isInvalid />

    {/* This will show up normally but will not be interactive */}
    <Select isReadOnly />

    {/* This will show up grayed out and will not be interactive */}
    {/* Additionally, it will have a red border and the error message will be shown */}
    <FormControl isInvalid isDisabled>
      <FormLabel>Invalid & Disabled Select</FormLabel>
      <Select />
        This error message shows because of an invalid FormControl


focusBorderColor — Default: blue.500 | errorBorderColor — Default: red.500

The props focusBorderColor and errorBorderColor can be passed with Chakra
color strings which will emulate the respective props being passed to
Chakra’s <Input /> component.

return (
    <Select errorBorderColor="orange.500" isInvalid />
    <Select focusBorderColor="green.500" />

Orange errorBorderColor


useBasicStyles — Default: false

If this prop is passed, the dropdown indicator at the right of the component
will be styled in the same way
the original Chakra Select component
is styled, instead of being styled as an
The original purpose of styling it as an addon was to create a visual separation
between the dropdown indicator and the button for clearing the selected options.
However, as this button only appears when isMulti is passed, using this style
could make more sense for a single select.

return <Select useBasicStyles />;


useBasicStyles dark mode


selectedOptionStyle — Options: color | check — Default: color

As of v1.3.0 you can pass the prop selectedOptionStyle with either "color"
or "check". The default option "color" will style a selected option similar
to how react-select does it, by highlighting the selected option in the color
blue. Alternatively, if you pass "check" for the value, the selected option
will be styled like the
Chakra UI Menu component
and include a check icon next to the selected option(s). If isMulti and
selectedOptionStyle="check" are passed, space will only be added for the check
marks if hideSelectedOptions={false} is also passed.

return (
    <Select selectedOptionStyle="color" /> {/* Default */}
    <Select selectedOptionStyle="check" /> {/* Chakra UI Menu Style */}

Color Highlighted Selected Option

Check Highlighted Selected Option


selectedOptionColorScheme — Default: blue

If you choose to stick with the default selectedOptionStyle="color", you have
one additional styling option. If you do not like the default of blue for the
highlight color, you can pass the selectedOptionColorScheme prop to change it.
This prop will accept any named color from your theme’s color palette, and it
will use the 500 value in light mode or the 300 value in dark mode.

NOTE: This prop can only be used for named colors from your theme, not
arbitrary hex/rgb colors. If you would like to use a specific color for the
background that’s not a part of your theme, use the
chakraStyles prop to customize it (see
#99 for an

Prior to v4.6.0 this prop was named selectedOptionColor, and it was
renamed to prevent confusion about its purpose. selectedOptionColor is still
available but will be removed in the next major version.

return (
    <Select selectedOptionColorScheme="blue" /> {/* Default */}
    <Select selectedOptionColorScheme="purple" />

Purple Selected Option Color (light mode)

Purple Selected Option Color (dark mode)


variant — Options: outline | filled | flushed | unstyled — Default: outline

You can pass the variant prop with any of outline, filled, flushed, or
unstyled to change the overall styling of the Select. These will reflect the
various appearances available for
Chakra’s <Input /> component.
Alternatively, if you’ve added any custom variants to your Chakra theme you can
use those instead. However, it is not guaranteed all styles will be applied how
you intend them to as there are some differences in the structure of the
Select’s input component.

If no variant is passed, it will default to defaultProps.variant from the
theme for Chakra’s Input component. If your component theme for Input is not
modified, it will be outline.

return (
    <Select variant="outline" /> {/* Default */}
    <Select variant="filled" />
    <Select variant="flushed" />
    <Select variant="unstyled" />

variant in light mode

variant in dark mode

By default, the flushed and unstyled variants look a bit strange in
combination with the DropdownIndicator. An easy way to make these styles look
more natural is to pass the useBasicStyles
prop along with them to remove the background from the indicator. Alternatively,
you could hide the indicator completely using chakraStyles.

variant with useBasicStyles

Another thing to note is that the default styling for variant="filled" and
isMulti results in the select and selected option tags having the same
background color when the select is not focused. The easiest solution for this
is to pass the
tagVariant or
colorScheme prop to add some contrast between the two

variant with useBasicStyles


If you have any other requests for Chakra-like features that could be added, or
problems with the current features,
please start a discussion!


There are a few ways to style the components that make up chakra-react-select.
It’s important to note that this package does not use the theme or styles
props that are implemented in react-select. The theme prop isn’t used as
most of the components’ base styles are pulling from your Chakra theme, and
customizing your base theme (such as colors or component styles) should in turn
change the styles in this package.

This package does however offer an alternative to the styles prop,
chakraStyles. It mostly emulates the behavior of the original styles prop,
however, because it’s not identical it is named differently to prevent


To use the chakraStyles prop, first, check the documentation for
the original styles prop from the react-select docs.
This package offers an identical API for the chakraStyles prop, however, the
provided and output style objects use
Chakra’s sx prop
instead of the default emotion styles the original package offers. This allows
you to both use the shorthand styling props you’d normally use to style Chakra
components, as well as tokens from your theme such as named colors.

The API for an individual style function looks like this:

 * @param {CSSObject} provided -- The component's default Chakra styles
 * @param {Object} state -- The component's current state e.g. `isFocused` (this gives all of the same props that are passed into the component)
 * @returns {CSSObject} An output style object which is forwarded to the component's `sx` prop
function option(provided, state) {
  return {
    color: state.isFocused ? "blue.500" : "red.400",

All of the style keys offered in the original package can be used in the
chakraStyles prop except for menuPortal. Along with
some other caveats, this is explained below.

Most of the components rendered by this package use the basic
Chakra <Box /> component with a
few exceptions. Here are the style keys offered and the corresponding Chakra
component that is rendered:

  • clearIndicator - Box (uses theme styles for Chakra’s CloseButton)
  • container - Box
  • control - Box (uses theme styles for Chakra’s Input)
  • dropdownIndicator - Box (uses theme styles for Chrakra’s
  • downChevron - Icon
  • crossIcon - Icon
  • group - Box
  • groupHeading - Box (uses theme styles for Chakra’s Menu group title)
  • indicatorsContainer - Box
  • indicatorSeparator - Divider
  • input - chakra.input (wrapped in a Box)
  • inputContainer - Box
  • loadingIndicator - Spinner
  • loadingMessage - Box
  • menu - Box
  • menuList - Box (uses theme styles for Chakra’s Menu)
  • multiValue - chakra.span (uses theme styles for Chakra’s Tag)
  • multiValueLabel - chakra.span (uses theme styles for Chakra’s TagLabel)
  • multiValueRemove - Box (uses theme styles for Chakra’s TagCloseButton)
  • noOptionsMessage - Box
  • option - Box (uses theme styles for Chakra’s MenuItem)
  • placeholder - Box
  • singleValue - Box
  • valueContainer - Box

If you’re using TypeScript, the chakraStyles prop is defined by the exported
ChakraStylesConfig interface.

import { ChakraStylesConfig, Select } from "chakra-react-select";

const App: React.FC = () => {
  const chakraStyles: ChakraStylesConfig = {
    dropdownIndicator: (provided, state) => ({
      background: state.isFocused ? "blue.100" : provided.background,
      p: 0,
      w: "40px",

  return <Select chakraStyles={chakraStyles} />;


One change between the keys in the chakraStyles prop and the original styles
prop, is that in the original the input styles apply to a container
surrounding the HTML <input /> element, and there is no key for styling the
input itself. With the chakraStyles object, the input key now styles the
actual <chakra.input /> element and there is a new key, inputContainer, that
styles the surrounding Box. Both functions use the state argument for the
original input key.

There are also two extra style keys for the icons contained within the
indicators that are not offered in the original package. These are downChevron
which is contained inside the DropdownIndicator, and the crossIcon which is
contained inside the ClearIndicator. Both styles receive the same state
values as their containing indicators. These style keys were added as a
convenience, however you could also apply the same styles using the parent
chakraStyles by doing something like this:

const chakraStyles = {
  dropdownIndicator: (prev, { selectProps }) => ({
    "> svg": {
      transform: `rotate(${selectProps.menuIsOpen ? -180 : 0}deg)`,


Additionally, there is one key that is available in the styles prop that does
not exist in the chakraStyles object; menuPortal. This key applies to the
MenuPortal element which is only used when the
menuPortalTarget prop is passed
in. This component is replaceable, however, it is very tightly integrated with
the menu placement logic (and a context provider) so it appears to be impossible
to fully replace it with a chakra component. And in turn, it can’t pull a key
from the chakraStyles prop. Therefore, if you are passing the
menuPortalTarget prop and would like to change the styles of the MenuPortal
component, you have two options:

  1. Pass the original styles prop with the menuPortal key. This is the only
    key in the styles object that will be applied to your components.
return (
      menuPortal: (provided) => ({ ...provided, zIndex: 100 }),
        // All other component styles
  1. Pass the classNamePrefix prop as described below and style the
    MenuPortal with CSS using the className prefix__menu-portal.
// example.js
import "styles.css";

return (
/* styles.css */

.chakra-react-select__menu-portal {
  z-index: 100;

If anyone has any suggestions for how to fully replace the MenuPortal
component, please leave a comment on
this issue or
submit a pull request.


Dropdown menu attached to control example:


Default Chakra <Select /> styles


NOTE: This can now be accomplished with the
useBasicStyles prop

Theme Styles

As mentioned above, a few of the custom components this package implements
either use styles from the global
Chakra component theme
or are themselves those components. As this package pulls directly from your
Chakra theme, any changes you make to those components’ themes will propagate to
the components in this package.

NOTE: Some of the theme styles are manually overridden when this package
implements them. This is necessary for implementing styles for
size variants in components that do
not natively have them in Chakra’s default theme. This mostly concerns
components that make up the Menu, but there are a few other cases where this
exception applies. There is no alternative to this currently, so if your custom
theme styles are not being applied correctly please use
chakraStyles to style your components instead. chakraStyles
always takes the highest priority in overriding the styles of a component. See
#194 for more info.

Here is a list of all components that will be affected by changes to your theme:

react-select component chakra-ui component styles
ClearIndicator CloseButton
Control Input
DropdownIndicator InputRightAddon
GroupHeading Menu group title
LoadingIndicator Spinner
MenuList MenuList
MultiValueContainer Tag
MultiValueLabel TagLabel
MultiValueRemove TagCloseButton
Option MenuItem

In addition to specific component styles, any changes you make to your global
color scheme will also be reflected in these custom components.

NOTE: Only make changes to your global component themes if you want them to
appear in all instances of that component. Otherwise, just change the individual
components’ styles using the chakraStyles prop.


This package implements the same classNames on the sub components as the
original package so you can use these to style sub-components with CSS. Here is
an excerpt from
the react-select docs
describing how it works:

If you provide the className prop to react-select, the SelectContainer will
be given a className based on the provided value.

If you provide the classNamePrefix prop to react-select, all inner elements
will be given a className with the provided prefix.

For example, given className='react-select-container' and
classNamePrefix="react-select", the DOM structure is similar to this:

<div class="react-select-container">
  <div class="react-select__control">
    <div class="react-select__value-container">...</div>
    <div class="react-select__indicators">...</div>
  <div class="react-select__menu">
    <div class="react-select__menu-list">
      <div class="react-select__option">...</div>

While we encourage you to use the new Styles API, you still have the option of
styling via CSS classes. This ensures compatibility with
styled components,
CSS modules and other libraries.

Here is an example of using classNames to style the components:


TypeScript Support

This package has always supported typescript, however until 3.0.0 none of the
type inference was working on the props passed into this component. Now that
they are, you may need to pass in some generics for your component to work
properly, but in most cases you shouldn’t need to. Here is a snippet from
the original documentation on the subject:

Select generics

There are three generics used by the Select component: Option, IsMulti,
and Group. All of them are optional and TypeScript attempts to detect them
automatically, but sometimes it might need some help. Many of the
react-select types include the three generics like this:

Read their full documentation on the
topic for more info.

This package exports all of the named module members of the original
react-select in case you need their built-in types in any of your variable
declarations. The root select Props type that is exported by react-select
has been extended using module
so if you import that type it will include all of the extra props offered. This
package also exports a few custom types that are specific to the custom props
offered by this package:

  • ChakraStylesConfig — The type for the prop chakraStyles that can be passed
    to customize the component styles. This is almost identical to the built-in
    StylesConfig type, however, it uses Chakra’s
    type instead of react-select’s emotion styles.
  • OptionBase — A type for your individual select options that includes the
    custom props for styling each of your selected options. This type is made to
    give you a base to extend off of and pass in as a generic to the root Select
  • Each of the four Select components has a type exported with it:
    • SelectComponent
    • AsyncSelectComponent
    • CreatableSelectComponent
    • AsyncCreatableSelectComponent

Here is an example of how to pass in the proper generics to

import { GroupBase, OptionBase, Select } from "chakra-react-select";

 * `OptionBase` is a custom type exported by this package meant to be extended
 * to make your custom option types. It includes all of the keys that can be
 * used by this package to customize the styles of your selected options
 * ```
 * type OptionBase = {
 *   variant?: string;
 *   colorScheme?: string;
 *   isDisabled?: boolean;
 * };
 * ```
interface ColorOption extends OptionBase {
  label: string;
  value: string;

const colorOptions = [
    label: "Red",
    value: "red",
    colorScheme: "red", // This is allowed because of the key in the `OptionBase` type
    label: "Blue",
    value: "blue",

function CustomMultiSelect() {
  return {
    <Select<ColorOption, true, GroupBase<ColorOption>> // <-- None of these generics should be required
      placeholder="Select some colors..."

Customizing Components

Like the original react-select, this package exports all of the custom
components that make up the overall select. However, instead of being exported
as components they are exported as chakraComponents to leave the original
components export from react-select alone (you can export that as well if
you’d like). When implementing this component, you have the option to wrap these
components and alter their state and the children they return
in the same way the original does.

It’s important to note, however, that there are 3 components offered in the
original react-select that are missing from chakraComponents. These are the
CrossIcon, DownChevron, and MenuPortal. The MenuPortal could not be
replaced at all as mentioned earlier, so if you’d like to customize
it, use the original from the components import. The icons posed issues with
prop compatibility when passing them into the core Select so the easiest way
to replace them would be to use a custom DropdownIndicator or ClearIndicator
and pass custom icons in as children:

const components = {
  ClearIndicator: (props) => (
    <chakraComponents.ClearIndicator {...props}>
      <Icon as={IoMdCloseCircleOutline} w={4} h={4} />
  DropdownIndicator: (props) => (
    <chakraComponents.DropdownIndicator {...props}>
      <Icon as={AiFillCaretDown} />


Here’s a complete example of how you might use custom components to create a
select with a custom Option:

import { Icon } from "@chakra-ui/react";
import { Select, chakraComponents } from "chakra-react-select";
import {
} from "react-icons/gi";

const flavorOptions = [
    value: "coffee",
    label: "Coffee",
    icon: <Icon as={GiCoffeeBeans} color="orange.700" mr={2} h={5} w={5} />,
    value: "chocolate",
    label: "Chocolate",
    icon: <Icon as={GiChocolateBar} color="yellow.800" mr={2} h={5} w={5} />,
    value: "strawberry",
    label: "Strawberry",
    icon: <Icon as={GiStrawberry} color="red.500" mr={2} h={5} w={5} />,
    value: "cherry",
    label: "Cherry",
    icon: <Icon as={GiCherry} color="red.600" mr={2} h={5} w={5} />,

// Make sure this is defined outside of the component which returns your select
// or you'll run into rendering issues
const customComponents = {
  Option: ({ children, ...props }) => (
    <chakraComponents.Option {...props}>
      {} {children}

const Example = () => (
    placeholder="Select some flavors..."


Custom LoadingIndicator (Chakra Spinner)

For most sub components, the styling can be easily accomplished using the
chakraStyles prop. However, in the case of the
LoadingIndicator there are a few props which do not directly correlate very
well with styling props. To solve that problem, the
chakraComponents.LoadingIndicator component can be passed a few extra props
which are normally available on the Chakra UI
Spinner. Here is an example
demonstrating which extra props are offered:

import { AsyncSelect, chakraComponents } from "chakra-react-select";

// These are the defaults for each of the custom props
const asyncComponents = {
  LoadingIndicator: (props) => (
      // The color of the main line which makes up the spinner
      // This could be accomplished using `chakraStyles` but it is also available as a custom prop
      color="currentColor" // <-- This default's to your theme's text color (Light mode: gray.700 | Dark mode: whiteAlpha.900)
      // The color of the remaining space that makes up the spinner
      // The `size` prop on the Chakra spinner
      // Defaults to one size smaller than the Select's size
      // A CSS <time> variable (s or ms) which determines the time it takes for the spinner to make one full rotation
      // A CSS size string representing the thickness of the spinner's line
      // Don't forget to forward the props!

const App = () => (
    placeholder="Select some colors..."
    loadOptions={(inputValue, callback) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        const values = colourOptions.filter((i) =>
      }, 3000);



Being a wrapper for react-select, all of the customizations done to
react-select are passed in as props. There is a hook,
that handles merging any extra customizations from the end user with the
customizations done by this package. In some cases you may simply want to use
this hook to get the custom props and pass them into a react-select instance

To do so, simply import the hook from this package, and call it by passing in
any extra custom props you’d like into it and spread it onto a base
react-select component:

import { useState } from "react";
import { useChakraSelectProps } from "chakra-react-select";
import Select from "react-select";
import { options } from "./data";

const CustomSelect = () => {
  const [selectedOptions, setSelectedOptions] = useState([]);

  const selectProps = useChakraSelectProps({
    isMulti: true,
    value: selectedOptions,
    onChange: setSelectedOptions,

  return <Select {...selectProps} />;

One example of how you might use this is to customize the component
react-google-places-autocomplete, which is an autocomplete dropdown for Google
Places that uses the AsyncSelect from react-select as it’s core. Therefore,
it accepts all of the same select props as the core react-select does meaning
you can use the useChakraSelectProps hook to style it:

import { useState } from "react";
import { useChakraSelectProps } from "chakra-react-select";
import GooglePlacesAutocomplete from "react-google-places-autocomplete";

const GooglePlacesAutocomplete = () => {
  const [place, setPlace] = useState(null);

  const selectProps = useChakraSelectProps({
    value: place,
    onChange: setPlace,

  return (
      apiKey="YOUR API KEY HERE"

export default GooglePlacesAutocomplete;

NOTE: An API key would be needed to create a CodeSandbox example for this so
you will have to implement it in your own project if you’d like to test it out.

Usage with React Form Libraries

This section is a work in progress, check back soon for more examples

This package can be used with form controllers such as Formik or React Hook Form
in the same way you would with the original React Select, and the quickest way
to figure out how to do so would be to Google something along the lines of
“react-select with formik/react-hook-form/etc” and replace react-select in
those examples with chakra-react-select. However, here are a few examples to
help you get started. If you’d like to see examples using other form providers,
you can
submit it as a Q&A discussion.


See this issue for some discussion about using this package with

By default, react-hook-form uses
uncontrolled components
to reduced input renders however this only works for native HTML inputs. Because
chakra-react-select is not a native HTML input, you’ll need to use
component or useController
hook in order to keep the value(s) tracked in react-hook-form’s state. Here
are some examples using each:

Controller multi select with built-in validation


useController multi select with built-in validation


useController single select


Multi select with yup validation (advanced example)


Single select with yup validation (advanced example)


Multi select with zod validation (advanced example)


Single select with zod validation (advanced example)



See this issue for some discussion about using this package with formik:

Single select with built-in validation

  • Vanilla JS: coming soon
  • TypeScript: coming soon

Multi select with built-in validation

  • Vanilla JS: coming soon
  • TypeScript: coming soon

Multi select with yup validation

  • Vanilla JS: coming soon
  • TypeScript: coming soon

CodeSandbox Templates

When submitting a bug report, please include a minimum reproduction of your
issue using one of these templates: