CharityHero Donation Managment App

The objective of the project is to create a platform that enables users to create posts and raise charity funds through them. The system consists of two main components: the admin side and the user side.


Charity Hero


Overview of the project developed during Construct Week Unit-6. The project was completed within a span of five days with the collaboration of five team members. The objective of the project is to create a platform that enables users to create posts and raise charity funds through them. The system consists of two main components: the admin side and the user side.

Admin Side

The admin side of the website is designed to provide administrative functionalities. The admin has the following capabilities:

  1. User Management: The admin can view the list of registered users on the platform.

  2. Post Management: The admin can view all the posts created by the users. They have the authority to accept or reject a post based on its content and compliance with guidelines.

  3. Post Deletion: The admin has the ability to delete posts if necessary.

User Side

The user side of the website is focused on providing functionalities to users who wish to raise funds for charity. Users are required to go through a registration process before accessing the platform. Once registered, users can log in using their credentials and access the following features:

  1. Registration: New users must register by providing necessary details such as username, email address, and password.

  2. Login: Registered users can log in using their credentials to access the platform.

  3. Post Creation: After successful login, users can create posts to raise funds for their charitable causes. The posts are submitted for approval by the admin.

  4. Post Approval: Once the user submits a post, it is sent to the admin for approval. If the admin approves the post, it will be displayed on the campaign page, allowing other users to view and contribute to the cause.

  5. Post Editing: Users have the ability to edit their posts if they need to make any changes or updates.

  6. Post Deletion: Users can also delete their posts if they no longer wish to raise funds for a particular cause.


This project was developed to create a user-friendly platform where users can create posts and raise funds for charity. The website consists of an admin side and a user side. The admin manages user registration, post-approval, and post-deletion, while the user can register, log in, create posts, edit them, and delete them if required. This documentation provides a comprehensive overview of the project’s objectives and functionalities, serving as a reference for future maintenance and development tasks.

CharityHero deployed link:-

Below are some of the screenshots of different pages of our website:-

Home Page:-

Footer Section:-

Sign Up Page:-

Login Page:-

Campaign Page:-