ChatFlow - Personalize your ChatGPT workflows and build the road to automation


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Deploy ChatFlow on Vercel with Planetscale
Follow these steps to deploy ChatFlow on Vercel with a serverless MySQL database provided by Planetscale:
- Clone the ChatFlow template from GitHub.
- Create a Vercel account and connect it to your GitHub account.
- Create a Planetscale account.
- Set up your Planetscale database:
- Log in to your Planetscale account with
pscale auth login
- Create a password with
pscale password create <DATABASE_NAME> <BRANCH_NAME> <PASSWORD_NAME>
- Push your database to Planetscale with
npx prisma db push
- Configure your Vercel environment:
- Set
to your Planetscale database URL.
- Generate an encryption key with
node scripts/gen-enc.js
and set it as ENC_KEY
With these steps completed, your ChatFlow will be deployed on Vercel with a Planetscale serverless MySQL database.
Local Usage
- Clone the ChatFlow template from GitHub.
- Dependencies on Planetscale services still exist temporarily. Please register as mentioned in the previous section and configure
in the .env
- Run
npm install
- Generate an encryption key using
node scripts/gen-enc.js
and configure it in the .env
file in the format ENC_KEY=***
. (Note: You can copy the .env
file from env.template)
- You can now use the application by running
npm run dev
Create new Flow
Technical documentation:
- Flowchart
- DotParser, parse dot file to graph data
- dagre, layout graph data
- ReactFlow, render graph data
- Flow Functions
- jsonpath-plus, parse jsonpath
- expr-eval, parse expression
- Flow Components
- JsonViewer, render json data
- DataTable, render table data
- Flow Editor
- ReactFlow, render graph data
- Repl Server
- Others
- MarkdownViewer, render markdown data
- MermaidViewer, render mermaid data
This code is distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE in this directory.