
third party api integration service example


h2. Disclaimer!

The following document describes Chronatog as a web cron service. The descriptions presented are accurate with one important exception: ACTUAL CRON IS NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. This means you can register as many callbacks as you want, see them, delete them etc… but they will never actually run. Chronatog is currently entirely missing it’s underlying actual cron component.

h1. Chronatog

Chronatog is:

A simple service providing basic web cron. (lib/server)

A ruby client implementation for the web service. (lib/client, chronatog-client.gemspec)

An example Add-on service demonstrating how to integrate with the EngineYard Add-on API. (lib/ey_integration)

A gem for use by the internal EngineYard services API implementation, for testing. (chronatog.gemspec)

This document designed for helping partners get started with the EY Add-on API. (README.textile)

h2. Getting Started: Deploying your own Chronatog

h3. Become a Partner

First you need an Engine Yard Add-on partner account. Once you have one, you can access “”:

h3. Deploy Chronatog

For the rest of these steps, Chronatog will need to be running somewhere with a publicly accessible url.

h3. Save your credentials

In Chronatog, credentials are stored in the database.

Example in script/console:

bc… $ script/console

Chronatog::EyIntegration.save_creds(‘ff4d04dbea52c605’, ‘e301bcb647fc4e9def6dfb416722c583cf3058bc1b516ebb2ac99bccf7ff5c5ea22c112cd75afd28’)
=> #<Chronatog::EyIntegration::EyCredentials id: 1, auth_id: “ff4d04dbea52c605”, auth_key: “e301bcb647fc4e9def6dfb416722c583cf3058bc1b516ebb2ac…”, created_at: “2012-08-22 11:14:48”, updated_at: “2012-08-22 11:14:51”>

h3. Test your connection

To test your connection to, you can make a GET request to the registration url. This returns a listing of currently registered services.


bc… $ script/console

=> []

p. Behind the scenes, Chronatog is calling out to @EY::ServicesAPI@.

@list_services@ is a method on @EY::ServicesAPI::Connection@.

h3. Register your Add-on services

To register your Add-on service, you make a POST request to the registration url, passing a JSON body describing your Add-on service. Included in that description are callback URLS, so in order to generate them Chronatog needs to know it’s public-facing url.


bc… $ script/console

registration_url =
chronatog_url = “
registered_service = Chronatog::EyIntegration.register_service(registration_url, chronatog_url)
=> true

p. Behind the scene, Chronatog is calling @register_service@ on a @EY::ServicesAPI::Connection@. The first parameter is the @registration_url@. The second parameter is a hash describing the Add-on service being registered.

In the case of this example it looks something like:

bc… {
:name => “Chronatog”,
:label => “chronatog”,
:description => “Web cron as a service.”,
:service_accounts_url => “”,
:home_url => “”,
:terms_and_conditions_url => “”,
:vars => [“service_url”, “auth_username”, “auth_password”]

h3. Viewing your Add-on service on

If your Add-on service registration succeeded, you should see it’s information displayed when you visit @ From there you can enable testing of your Add-on service with your Engine Yard Cloud Add-on account.


Once enabled for testing, you should see your Add-on service available if you navigate to “Add-ons” in the menu bar from @ (or visit @


h3. Verifying requests from Engine Yard

By using the @EY::ApiHMAC::ApiAuth::LookupServer@ middleware in the API controller, Chronatog verifies that each request to it’s API is correctly signed by the requester. The block passed to the middleware is expected to return the @auth_key@ correspondent to the @auth_id@ given. It is then up to @EY::ApiHMAC@ to calculate a signature and verify that it matches the one in the request (@env@).

bc… use EY::ApiHMAC::ApiAuth::LookupServer do |env, auth_id|
EyIntegration.api_creds && (EyIntegration.api_creds.auth_id == auth_id) && EyIntegration.api_creds.auth_key

h3. Enabling your service


When you click ‘Sign Up’, EngineYard will make a call to your @service_accounts_url@ to create a service account. In the case of Chronatog, this callback is handled by creating a customer record.

The request will look something like this:

bc… POST
“name”: “some-account”,
“url”: “”,
“messages_url”: “”,
“invoices_url”: “

p. Chronatog will handle the callback with the implementation defined in the API controller:

bc… request_body =
service_account = EY::ServicesAPI::ServiceAccountCreation.from_request(request_body)
create_params = {
:name =>,
:api_url => service_account.url,
:messages_url => service_account.messages_url,
:invoices_url => service_account.invoices_url
customer = Chronatog::Server::Customer.create!(create_params)

p. As part of handling the callback, a @Customer@ will be created:

bc… #<Chronatog::Server::Customer id: 1, service_id: nil, name: “some-account”, created_at: “2012-08-22 11:14:48”, updated_at: “2012-08-22 11:14:48”, api_url: “…”, messages_url: “…”, invoices_url: “…”, plan_type: “freemium”, last_billed_at: nil>

p. Chronatog returns a JSON response that tells EngineYard some information about the customer.

The code for generating that response:

bc… response_params = {
:configuration_required => false,
:configuration_url => “#{sso_base_url}/customers/#{}”,
:provisioned_services_url => “#{api_base_url}/customers/#{}/schedulers”,
:url => “#{api_base_url}/customers/#{}”,
:message => => “status”,
:subject => “Thanks for signing up for Chronatog!”)
response =
content_type :json
headers ‘Location’ => response.url

p. Notice @EY::ServicesAPI::Message@ in the code above. The subject text should now appear in the context of the Chronatog service on @

What the generated response looks like:

bc… {
“service_account”: {
“url”: “”,
“configuration_required”: false,
“configuration_url”: “”,
“provisioned_services_url”: “
“message”: {
“message_type”: “status”,
“subject”: “Thanks for signing up for Chronatog!”,
“body”: null

h3. Visiting Chronatog over SSO

With the service enabled, a “Visit” link should appear. Following this link will redirect to the @configuration_url@ provided in the response to service enablement.

The configuration url provided by Chronatog in this example was:


p. When EY signs the url it provides additional parameters, such that it looks like this:


p. Chronatog will verify the SSO request with a before filter that looks like this:

bc… before do
if session[“ey_user_name”]
#already logged in
elsif EY::ApiHMAC::SSO.authenticated?(request.url,
session[“ey_return_to_url”] = params[:ey_return_to_url]
session[“ey_user_name”] = params[:ey_user_name]
halt 401, “SSO authentication failed. Go back.”

h3. Activating (provisioning a Chronatog Scheduler)


Clicking “Activate” will cause EngineYard to call to your @provisioned_services_url@ to create a provisioned service. In the case of Chronatog, this callback is handled by creating a scheduler.

The request will look something like this:

bc… POST
“url”: “”,
“messages_url”: “”,
“app”: {
“id”: 106,
“name”: “myapp”
“environment”: {
“id”: 107,
“name”: “myenv”,
“framework_env”: “production”,
“aws_region”: “us-east-1”

p. Chronatog will handle the callback with the implementation defined in the API controller:

bc… request_body =
provisioned_service = EY::ServicesAPI::ProvisionedServiceCreation.from_request(request_body)

customer = Chronatog::Server::Customer.find(customer_id)
create_params = {
:api_url => provisioned_service.url,
:environment_name =>,
:app_name =>,
:messages_url => provisioned_service.messages_url,
:usage_calls => 0
scheduler = customer.schedulers.create!(create_params)

p. As part of handling the callback, a @Customer@ will be created:

bc… #<Chronatog::Server::Scheduler id: 1, customer_id: 1, auth_username: “U434828f006ba4b”, auth_password: “P1f49fd4df5588a3adc5f6b18bf”, created_at: “2012-08-22 11:14:51”, updated_at: “2012-08-22 11:14:51”, api_url: “…”, environment_name: “myenv”, app_name: “myapp”, messages_url: “…”, decomissioned_at: nil, usage_calls: 0>

p. Chronatog returns a JSON response that tells EngineYard some information about the created scheduler.

The code for generating the response:

bc… response_params = {
:configuration_required => false,
:vars => {
“service_url” => “#{true_base_url}/chronatogapi/1/jobs”,
“auth_username” => scheduler.auth_username,
“auth_password” => scheduler.auth_password,
:url => “#{api_base_url}/customers/#{}/schedulers/#{}”,
:message => => “status”,
:subject => “Your scheduler has been created and is ready for use!”)
response =
content_type :json
headers ‘Location’ => response.url

p. Notice @EY::ServicesAPI::Message@ in the code above. The subject text should now appear in the context of the relevant application and environment on @

What the response JSON looks like:

bc… {
“provisioned_service”: {
“url”: “”,
“configuration_required”: false,
“configuration_url”: null,
“vars”: {
“service_url”: “”,
“auth_username”: “U57566cb822ac0c”,
“auth_password”: “P8348eec86b741dc20b78c5fe1f”
“message”: {
“message_type”: “status”,
“subject”: “Your scheduler has been created and is ready for use!”,
“body”: null

h3. Deactivating (de-provisioning a Scheduler)


p. Clicking “Deactivate” will cause EngineYard to DELETE to the @url@ provided by Chronatog in the activate/provision step. Chronatog handles the callback by destroying the appropriate scheduler.

The request will look something like this:

bc… POST

p. Chronatog will handle the callback with the implementation defined in the API controller:

bc… customer = Chronatog::Server::Customer.find(customer_id)
scheduler = customer.schedulers.find(job_id)
content_type :json

h3. Updating API keys

When the scheduler was provisioned we saved the @provisioned_service.url@ into the scheduler @api_url@. We can use this URL to update Engine Yard whenever we change vars.

For example, when we call @reset_auth!@ on a scheduler:

bc… def reset_auth!
self.auth_username = “U”+SecureRandom.hex(7)
self.auth_password = “P”+SecureRandom.hex(13)
EY::ServicesAPI.connection.update_provisioned_service(self.api_url, {
“vars” => { “auth_username” => self.auth_username,
“auth_password” => self.auth_password }})

p. We will cause the following request:

bc… PUT
“provisioned_service”: {
“vars”: {
“auth_username”: “U8367e13ec83ac8”,
“auth_password”: “Pe16b696a578e2bfddf1f07e0a2”

h4. Configuration on activation

In the example activation shown, we dint’t require the user to perform any special configuration. However, this is something that the API supports.

The process would be something like this:

  1. Provisioning request happens and the response returns a value of “true” for “configuration_required”
  2. User get’s redirected to the Chronatog to do some configuration.
  3. User completes configuration. At the same time, Chronatog would PUT to the provisioned_service url to update “configuration_required” to “false”, as well as updating “vars” if needed.
  4. Chronatog redirects the user back to the Engine Yard dashboard (using “ey_return_to_url”).

h3. Using the provisioned Chronatog service in your app

The Chronatog service has been enabled and provisioned. Values for @service_url@, @auth_username@, and @auth_password@ have been generated and sent back to EngineYard. Now it’s time to make use of the service in your application. Just check-in few changes to your app and deploy!

The public client gem for the Chronatog API is called @chronatog-client@. Add it to your Gemfile like this:

bc… gem ‘chronatog-client’, :require => ‘chronatog/client’

p. To initialize the Chronatog client with the provisioned configs, you’ll also need another gem, @ey_config@:

bc… gem ‘ey_config’

p. With these 2 gems installed, setting up Chronatog can be done like so:

bc… @client = Chronatog::Client.setup!(EY::Config.get(:chronatog, ‘service_url’),
EY::Config.get(:chronatog, ‘auth_username’),
EY::Config.get(:chronatog, ‘auth_password’))

p. @EY::Config@ works by reading the contents of @config/ey_services_config_local.yml@ or @config/ey_services_config_deploy.yml@. In order to develop with a fake version of the Chronatog API locally, you can create @config/ey_services_config_local.yml@ with the contents:

bc… —
service_url: in-memory
auth_username: 123-ignored
auth_password: 456-also-ignored

p. When you deploy, EngineYard will create @config/ey_services_config_deploy.yml@. It might look something like this:

bc… —
auth_username: U80d6f3acf1a1d5
auth_password: Pce213fec556cac7bee33f028f4

p. The existence of @config/ey_services_config_deploy.yml@ will override all settings in @config/ey_services_config_local.yml@.

h3. Disabling the Chronatog Service

As amazing as our Chronatog web service is, we still need to support user’s deciding they don’t need it anymore and disabling it.


When the service is disabled, EngineYard will make a DELETE call to the @url@ provided when the service account was first created.

The request will look something like this:


p. Chronatog will handle that request with the implementation defined in the API controller:

bc… customer = Chronatog::Server::Customer.find(customer_id)
content_type :json

p. Notice the call to @customer.bill!@. This causes Chronatog to send a final bill for services before destroying the customer. The request sent looks something like this:

bc… POST
“invoice”: {
“total_amount_cents”: 27,
“line_item_description”: “For service from 2012/08/21 to 2012/08/22 includes 1 schedulers and 5 jobs run.”

h3. Billing

Hopefully, normally, customers will use the Chronatog service for a long period of time before canceling. So we need a way to charge them periodically as well.

The mechanism for this is currently a manual process run once a month via script/console.

Simply run:

bc… $ script/console


p. This, of course, will call @bill!@ on all customers, which calculates charges and sends an invoice to the @invoices_url@ for each customer.

The implementation as defined in @Chronatog::EyIntegration::CustomerExtensions@ calculates the total amount owed based on the last time billing was run for each customer (@last_billed_at@ or @created_at@). It then sends an invoice to the @invoices_url@ and sets the @last_billed_at@ to now.

bc… def bill!
#don’t bill free customers
return if plan_type == “freemium”

self.last_billed_at ||= created_at
billing_at =
#having the awesome service active costs $0.02 per day
total_price = 2 * (billing_at.to_i - last_billed_at.to_i) / 60 / 60 / 24

total_jobs_ran = 0
schedulers.each do |schedule|
#add $0.05 for every time we called a job
usage_price = 5 * schedule.usage_calls
total_jobs_ran += schedule.usage_calls
schedule.usage_calls = 0
total_price += usage_price
if total_price > 0
line_item_description = [
“For service from #{last_billed_at.strftime(‘%Y/%m/%d’)}”,
“to #{billing_at.strftime(‘%Y/%m/%d’)}”,
“includes #{schedulers.size} schedulers”,
“and #{total_jobs_ran} jobs run.”,
].join(" ")

invoice = => total_price,
                                       :line_item_description => line_item_description)
Chronatog::EyIntegration.connection.send_invoice(self.invoices_url, invoice)

self.last_billed_at = billing_at


h3. More

TODO: provisioned service SSO.

TODO: using those API keys works. Chronatog automatically updates the status to tell the user they are now using the service. Tell them how many jobs are scheduled.

TODO: using the API to create more than 10 jobs on the free plan and Chronatog sends a notification prompting you to upgrade.

TODO: Examining the monthly billing job Chronatog created in itself and forcing it to run.