Chronicle Map

Replicate your Key Value Store across your network, with consistency, persistance and performance.


= Chronicle Map
Chronicle Software
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== About

Chronicle Map is a super-fast, in-memory, non-blocking, key-value store, designed for low-latency, and/or multi-process
applications such as trading and financial market applications.
See <<docs/CM_Features.adoc#,Features doc>> for more information.

The size of a Chronicle Map is not limited by memory (RAM), but rather by the available disk capacity.


=== Use cases
Chronicle Map is used in production around the
world for:

real-time trading systems. Chronicle Map
provides in-memory access speeds, and supports
ultra-low garbage collection. Chronicle Map can support the most demanding of applications.
highly concurrent systems. Chronicle Map
supports multiple readers and writers,
distributed across multiple machines.

=== Why use Chronicle Map?
Chronicle Map is:

fast. Millions of operations per second, with
low and stable microsecond latencies for reads and writes. Write queries scale well up
to the number of hardware execution threads in the server. Read queries never block each
reliable. Chronicle Software have a “chaos
monkey” test which verifies Chronicle Map
multi-master replication in the face of node
and network failures. The map can optionally be persisted to disk.
in production at banks and hedge funds,
built using lessons learnt from real-world
experience solving real-world problems.
open source (standard version), and in use at
hundreds of sites around the world.

=== Our offering
Chronicle Software provides full support for
Chronicle Map, consulting to help you make
best use of the product, and can also deliver
projects using a mix of our resources and
your own.

=== Replication
See <<docs/CM_Replication.adoc#,Chronicle Map Replication>> for more information.

== Documentation
The Chronicle Map documentation comprises:

|Features description.
|Replication explanation.
|Frequently asked questions.
|Downloading the software.
|Updates from Chronicle Map version 2.
|Compatibility and Versioning description.

Linked documentation is contained in the docs folder.

== Chronicle Software Release Notes[Leave your e-mail] to get information about the latest releases and patches to stay up-to-date.