A distributed execution engine for cloud computing


Read me first

CIEL is a distributed execution engine for task- and data-parallel
computation. It masks the complexity of distributed programming by
providing distributed storage, transparent inter-machine communciation
and transparent fault tolerance.

A CIEL job comprises one or more “tasks”, each of which is associated
with an “executor”. This package includes several generic executors
for integrating with UNIX utilities or programs that implement the
CIEL executor interface. In addition, the following executors can be
downloaded and installed separately:

  • Skywriting is a scripting
    language for use with CIEL. It provides a “distributed thread”
    abstraction that enables you to write simple scripts that spawn
    tasks using any executor, and use control-flow features such as
    loops and conditionals.

  • Java support is provided by
    writing classes that implement a Task Java interface. There is
    also experimental support for using Scala to write distributed

  • OCaml support is provided by
    using delimited continuations to serialise OCaml into CIEL tasks.

Installing CIEL

Before installing CIEL, you will need to install all of its

Before running CIEL, you may need to install various dependencies. We
develop CIEL on Ubuntu 10.04 and Fedora, and use the following packages;
however, these may vary based on the exact version of your operating


Packages apt-get yum install
Python 2.5+ python python
httplib2 python-httplib2 python-httplib2
simplejson python-simplejson python-simplejson
CherryPY 3.1.2+ python-cherrypy3 python-cherrypy3
PycURL python-pycurl python-pycurl
cURL curl curl
lighttpd lighttpd lighttpd
flup python-flup python-flup

To install CIEL, use the setup.py script. For example, you may type
the following commands in the current directory:

    $ python setup.py build
    $ sudo python setup.py install

Running CIEL

A CIEL cluster contains one “master” process and one or more “worker”

To start a master, use the following command:

$ ciel master

To start a worker on the same machine, use the following command:

$ ciel worker

To start a worker on a different machine, use the following command:

$ ciel worker -m http://${MASTER_HOSTNAME}:8000/

To find out about more options when running a master and workers, use
the following command:

$ ciel [master|worker] --help

Testing CIEL

To run a simple CIEL job, first create a file called test.pack with
the following contents:

    {"handler": "stdinout",
            {"command_line": ["echo", "Hello, world!"]}
 "result": [{"__decode_ref__": "noop"}]

This is a simple example of a “package file”, which is used to specify
a CIEL job. Package files are the most flexible way of specifying a
CIEL job, but some executors (such as Skywriting) provide simpler ways
to create simple jobs.

To execute the package file, first start a cluster, then type the
following command:

$ ciel run test.pack