
CLI crypto swiss-army knife for performing and composing encoding, decoding, encryption, decryption, hashing, and other various cryptographic operations on streams of data from the command line; mostly intended for ad hoc, infosec-related uses.



Ciphr is a CLI tool for performing and composing encoding, decoding, encryption,
decryption, hashing, and other various operations on streams of data. It takes
provided data, file data, or data from stdin, and executes a pipeline of
functions on the data stream, writing the resulting data to stdout. It was
designed primarily for use in the information security domain, mostly for quick
or casual data manipulation for forensics, penetration testing, or
capture-the-flag events; it likely could have other unforseen uses, but should
be presumed to be an experimental toy as no effort was made to make included
cryptographic functions robust against attacks (timing attacks, etc), and it is
recommended not to use any included functions in any on-line security


$ ciphr '"abc"'
$ ciphr '"abc"' hex
$ ciphr '"abc"' hex ~hex
$ ciphr '"616263"' ~hex
$ ciphr 0x616263
$ ciphr 0x616263 hex
$ ciphr 0b10101010 bin
$ ciphr 0b10101010 hex
$ ciphr 255 hex
$ ciphr 65
$ ciphr '""' md5 hex
$ echo -n "" | ciphr md5 hex
$ ciphr '"abc"' sha1 hex
$ echo -n "abc" | ciphr sha1 | xxd -ps
$ echo -n "abc" | ciphr 'xor["abc"] hex'
$ echo -n "abc" | ciphr xor[0x01] hex
$ echo -n "abc" | ciphr xor[0x01]
$ echo -n "abc" | ciphr xor[0x020304]
$ echo -n "abc" | ciphr 'aes128cbc["super secret key"] hex'
$ echo -n "abc" | ciphr 'aes128cbc["super secret key"] hex ~hex ~aes128cbc["super secret key"]'
$ ciphr @/etc/hosts       localhost
$ ciphr @/etc/hosts md5 hex
$ ciphr @/etc/hosts xor[0x01]
$ ciphr @/etc/hosts aes-128-cbc[@/etc/hosts] hex
$ ciphr @/etc/hosts aes-128-cbc[@/etc/hosts] ~aes-128-cbc[@/etc/hosts]       localhost
$ ciphr @/etc/hosts aes-128-cbc[0xdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef] hex
$ ciphr @/etc/hosts aes-128-cbc[0xdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef] ~aes-128-cbc[0xdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef]       localhost



$ gem install ciphr
Fetching: ciphr-0.0.1.gem (100%)
Successfully installed ciphr-0.0.1
Parsing documentation for ciphr-0.0.1
Installing ri documentation for ciphr-0.0.1
Done installing documentation for ciphr after 2 seconds
1 gem installed


Requires bundler to be installed (gem install bundler)

git clone
cd ciphr
bundle install
bundle exec rake install


$ ciphr -v -h
Usage: ciphr [options] [spec]
    -h, --help
    -v, --verbose
    -n, --no-newline
    -N, --newline
    -x, --xargs-mode
    -0, --null
Available Functions: aliases ([args])
  md4 (input)
  md5 (input)
  sha (input)
  sha1 (input)
  sha224 (input)
  sha256 (input)
  sha384 (input)
  sha512 (input)
  hmac-md4, hmacmd4 (input, key)
  hmac-md5, hmacmd5 (input, key)
  hmac-sha, hmacsha (input, key)
  hmac-sha1, hmacsha1 (input, key)
  hmac-sha224, hmacsha224 (input, key)
  hmac-sha256, hmacsha256 (input, key)
  hmac-sha384, hmacsha384 (input, key)
  hmac-sha512, hmacsha512 (input, key)
  aes-128-cbc, aes128cbc (input, key)
  aes-128-cbc-hmac-sha1, aes128cbchmacsha1 (input, key)
  aes-128-cbc-hmac-sha256, aes128cbchmacsha256 (input, key)
  aes-128-cfb, aes128cfb (input, key)
  aes-128-cfb1, aes128cfb1 (input, key)
  aes-128-cfb8, aes128cfb8 (input, key)
  aes-128-ctr, aes128ctr (input, key)
  aes-128-ecb, aes128ecb (input, key)
  aes-128-ofb, aes128ofb (input, key)
  aes-128-xts, aes128xts (input, key)
  aes-192-cbc, aes192cbc (input, key)
  aes-192-cfb, aes192cfb (input, key)
  aes-192-cfb1, aes192cfb1 (input, key)
  aes-192-cfb8, aes192cfb8 (input, key)
  aes-192-ctr, aes192ctr (input, key)
  aes-192-ecb, aes192ecb (input, key)
  aes-192-ofb, aes192ofb (input, key)
  aes-256-cbc, aes256cbc (input, key)
  aes-256-cbc-hmac-sha1, aes256cbchmacsha1 (input, key)
  aes-256-cbc-hmac-sha256, aes256cbchmacsha256 (input, key)
  aes-256-cfb, aes256cfb (input, key)
  aes-256-cfb1, aes256cfb1 (input, key)
  aes-256-cfb8, aes256cfb8 (input, key)
  aes-256-ctr, aes256ctr (input, key)
  aes-256-ecb, aes256ecb (input, key)
  aes-256-ofb, aes256ofb (input, key)
  aes-256-xts, aes256xts (input, key)
  aes128 (input, key)
  aes192 (input, key)
  aes256 (input, key)
  bf (input, key)
  bf-cbc, bfcbc (input, key)
  bf-cfb, bfcfb (input, key)
  bf-ecb, bfecb (input, key)
  bf-ofb, bfofb (input, key)
  camellia-128-cbc, camellia128cbc (input, key)
  camellia-128-cfb, camellia128cfb (input, key)
  camellia-128-cfb1, camellia128cfb1 (input, key)
  camellia-128-cfb8, camellia128cfb8 (input, key)
  camellia-128-ecb, camellia128ecb (input, key)
  camellia-128-ofb, camellia128ofb (input, key)
  camellia-192-cbc, camellia192cbc (input, key)
  camellia-192-cfb, camellia192cfb (input, key)
  camellia-192-cfb1, camellia192cfb1 (input, key)
  camellia-192-cfb8, camellia192cfb8 (input, key)
  camellia-192-ecb, camellia192ecb (input, key)
  camellia-192-ofb, camellia192ofb (input, key)
  camellia-256-cbc, camellia256cbc (input, key)
  camellia-256-cfb, camellia256cfb (input, key)
  camellia-256-cfb1, camellia256cfb1 (input, key)
  camellia-256-cfb8, camellia256cfb8 (input, key)
  camellia-256-ecb, camellia256ecb (input, key)
  camellia-256-ofb, camellia256ofb (input, key)
  camellia128 (input, key)
  camellia192 (input, key)
  camellia256 (input, key)
  cast (input, key)
  cast-cbc, castcbc (input, key)
  cast5-cbc, cast5cbc (input, key)
  cast5-cfb, cast5cfb (input, key)
  cast5-ecb, cast5ecb (input, key)
  cast5-ofb, cast5ofb (input, key)
  des (input, key)
  des-cbc, descbc (input, key)
  des-cfb, descfb (input, key)
  des-cfb1, descfb1 (input, key)
  des-cfb8, descfb8 (input, key)
  des-ecb, desecb (input, key)
  des-ede, desede (input, key)
  des-ede-cbc, desedecbc (input, key)
  des-ede-cfb, desedecfb (input, key)
  des-ede-ofb, desedeofb (input, key)
  des-ede3, desede3 (input, key)
  des-ede3-cbc, desede3cbc (input, key)
  des-ede3-cfb, desede3cfb (input, key)
  des-ede3-cfb1, desede3cfb1 (input, key)
  des-ede3-cfb8, desede3cfb8 (input, key)
  des-ede3-ofb, desede3ofb (input, key)
  des-ofb, desofb (input, key)
  des3 (input, key)
  desx (input, key)
  desx-cbc, desxcbc (input, key)
  rc2 (input, key)
  rc2-40-cbc, rc240cbc (input, key)
  rc2-64-cbc, rc264cbc (input, key)
  rc2-cbc, rc2cbc (input, key)
  rc2-cfb, rc2cfb (input, key)
  rc2-ecb, rc2ecb (input, key)
  rc2-ofb, rc2ofb (input, key)
  rc4 (input, key)
  rc4-40, rc440 (input, key)
  rc4-hmac-md5, rc4hmacmd5 (input, key)
  seed (input, key)
  seed-cbc, seedcbc (input, key)
  seed-cfb, seedcfb (input, key)
  seed-ecb, seedecb (input, key)
  seed-ofb, seedofb (input, key)
  aes-128-ccm, aes128ccm (input, key)
  aes-128-gcm, aes128gcm (input, key)
  aes-192-ccm, aes192ccm (input, key)
  aes-192-gcm, aes192gcm (input, key)
  aes-256-ccm, aes256ccm (input, key)
  aes-256-gcm, aes256gcm (input, key)
  blowfish (input, key)
  id-aes128-ccm, idaes128ccm (input, key)
  id-aes128-gcm, idaes128gcm (input, key)
  id-aes128-wrap, idaes128wrap (input, key)
  id-aes192-ccm, idaes192ccm (input, key)
  id-aes192-gcm, idaes192gcm (input, key)
  id-aes192-wrap, idaes192wrap (input, key)
  id-aes256-ccm, idaes256ccm (input, key)
  id-aes256-gcm, idaes256gcm (input, key)
  id-aes256-wrap, idaes256wrap (input, key)
  id-smime-alg-cms3deswrap, idsmimealgcms3deswrap (input, key)
  b2, base2, bin, binary (input)
  b8, base8, oct, octal (input)
  b16, base16, hex, hexidecimal (input)
  b32, base32, b32-std, base32-std (input)
  b64, base64, b64-psq, b64-std, base64-psq, base64-std (input)
  b64-ps, b64-utf7, base64-ps, base64-utf7 (input)
  b64-ph, b64-file, base64-ph, base64-file (input)
  b64-hu, b64-url, base64-hu, base64-url (input)
  b64-duh, b64-yui, base64-duh, base64-yui (input)
  b64-dh, b64-xml-name, base64-dh, base64-xml-name (input)
  b64-uc, b64-xml-id, base64-uc, base64-xml-id (input)
  b64-uh, b64-prog-id-1, base64-uh, base64-prog-id-1 (input)
  b64-du, b64-prog-id-2, base64-du, base64-prog-id-2 (input)
  b64-xh, b64-regex, base64-xh, base64-regex (input)
  r2, rad2, radix2 (input)
  r3, rad3, radix3 (input)
  r4, rad4, radix4 (input)
  r5, rad5, radix5 (input)
  r6, rad6, radix6 (input)
  r7, rad7, radix7 (input)
  r8, rad8, radix8 (input)
  r9, rad9, radix9 (input)
  r10, rad10, radix10 (input)
  r11, rad11, radix11 (input)
  r12, rad12, radix12 (input)
  r13, rad13, radix13 (input)
  r14, rad14, radix14 (input)
  r15, rad15, radix15 (input)
  r16, rad16, radix16 (input)
  r17, rad17, radix17 (input)
  r18, rad18, radix18 (input)
  r19, rad19, radix19 (input)
  r20, rad20, radix20 (input)
  r21, rad21, radix21 (input)
  r22, rad22, radix22 (input)
  r23, rad23, radix23 (input)
  r24, rad24, radix24 (input)
  r25, rad25, radix25 (input)
  r26, rad26, radix26 (input)
  r27, rad27, radix27 (input)
  r28, rad28, radix28 (input)
  r29, rad29, radix29 (input)
  r30, rad30, radix30 (input)
  r31, rad31, radix31 (input)
  r32, rad32, radix32 (input)
  r33, rad33, radix33 (input)
  r34, rad34, radix34 (input)
  r35, rad35, radix35 (input)
  r36, rad36, radix36 (input)
  deflate (input)
  gzip, gz (input)
  and-trunc (input, input)
  or-trunc (input, input)
  xor-trunc (input, input)
  and (input, input)
  or (input, input)
  xor (input, input)
  not (input)
  url, uri, cgi (input)
  cat, catenate (input)
  repack (input, ch1, ch2)
  tr, translate (input, ch1, ch2)
  repl, replace (input, search, replace)
  rc4-ruby (input, key)


Check out code:

git clone
cd ciphr

Run command from exploded gem/project directory:

bundle exec ruby -Ilib bin/ciphr [args]


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request