Highly customizable & lightweight & responsive circular progress bar component for Vue 3, built with SVG and extensively customizable.
Highly customizable & lightweight & responsive circular progressbar component for Vue 3, built with SVG and extensively customizable.
npm install --save circle-progress.vue
import { CircleProgressBar } from 'circle-progress.vue';
<CircleProgressBar :value="7" :max="10" />
Please write me, if you need more props 😃
You can customize your progress bars as you want. For example:
Props | Type | Description | Default |
max* | Number |
Max value | - (required) |
value* | Number |
Current value | - (required) |
size | Number, String |
Size of the circle | '124' |
colorFilled | String |
Circle color if limit exceed | '#FF5533' |
colorUnfilled | String |
Circle color if limit not exceed | '#3BB44A' |
colorBack | String |
Back circle color | '#ECEEF1' |
percentage | BooleaN |
Show percentage | false |
rounded | BooleaN |
Rounding the circle line | false |
animationDuration | String |
Animation Duration | '0.5s' |
strokeWidth | String |
Circle Stroke width | '5px' |
reversedFilling | Boolean |
Enable reversed filling | false |
startAngle | Number |
Allowing to specify an angle in degrees where the fill should begin | 180 |
Also you can use slots to throw your custom content. For example:
{{ value }} / {{ max }}