Task: This week’s assignment will be a little odd, as the goal is you will be using SASS or LESS to style a web site.
Create a single web page that has
- A fixed Navigation Bar
- A div containing four boxes
- A footer at the bottom
Using the CSS Preprocessor
- Create Variables file
- Use this file to create colors that will be used throughout your site.
- Create Main file
- Use this file to set up main parts of your application at are globally used
- Create Nav file
- This file styles specifically your nav
- Create Footer File
- This file styles your footer
- Create Box File
- This file styles the boxes that exist on your page
- Use a preprocessor function to create your boxes
- All the boxes have a border-radius of 8px and a border of solid black 2px
- There will be four boxes, each including this color and value for height and width
- Red and 100
- Blue and 200
- Green and 250
- Purple and 50
Submission: URL of hosted project on GitHub pages