
Clinical Natural Language Processing using spaCy, scispacy, and medspacy


output: github_document

  message = FALSE,
  warning = FALSE,
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  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
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Lifecycle: stable

The goal of clinspacy is to perform biomedical named entity recognition, Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) concept mapping, and negation detection using the Python spaCy, scispacy, and medspacy packages.


You can install the CRAN version of clinspacy with:


You can install the GitHub version of clinspacy with:

remotes::install_github('ML4LHS/clinspacy', INSTALL_opts = '--no-multiarch')

How to load clinspacy


Initiating clinspacy

Note: the very first time you run clinspacy_init() or clinspacy() after installing the package, you may receive an error stating that spaCy was unable to be imported because it was not found. Restarting your R session should resolve the issue.

Initiating clinspacy is optional. If you do not initiate the package using clinspacy_init(), it will be automatically initiated without the UMLS linker. The UMLS linker takes up ~12 GB of RAM, so if you would like to use the linker, you can initiate clinspacy with the linker. The linker can still be added on later by reinitiating with the use_linker argument set to TRUE.

clinspacy_init() # This is optional! The default functionality is to initiatie clinspacy without the UMLS linker

Named entity recognition (without the UMLS linker)

The clinspacy() function can take a single string, a character vector, or a data frame. It can output either a data frame or a file name.

A single character string as input

clinspacy('This patient has diabetes and CKD stage 3 but no HTN.')

clinspacy('HISTORY: He presents with chest pain. PMH: HTN. MEDICATIONS: This patient with diabetes is taking omeprazole, aspirin, and lisinopril 10 mg but is not taking albuterol anymore as his asthma has resolved. ALLERGIES: penicillin.', verbose = FALSE)

A character vector as input

clinspacy(c('This pt has CKD and HTN', 'Pt only has CKD but no HTN'),
          verbose = FALSE)

A data frame as input

data.frame(text = c('This pt has CKD and HTN', 'Diabetes is present'),
           stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
  clinspacy(df_col = 'text', verbose = FALSE)

Saving the output to file

The output_file can then be piped into bind_clinspacy() or bind_clinspacy_embeddings(). This saves a lot of time because you can try different strategies of subsetting in both of these functions without needing to re-process the original data.

if (!dir.exists(rappdirs::user_data_dir('clinspacy'))) {
  dir.create(rappdirs::user_data_dir('clinspacy'), recursive = TRUE)

mtsamples = dataset_mtsamples()


clinspacy_output_file = 
  mtsamples[1:5, 1:2] %>% 
  clinspacy(df_col = 'description',
            verbose = FALSE,
            output_file = file.path(rappdirs::user_data_dir('clinspacy'),
          overwrite = TRUE)


Binding named entities to a data frame (without the UMLS linker)

Negated concepts, as identified by the medspacy cycontext flag, are ignored by default and do not count towards the frequencies. However, you can now change the subsetting criteria.

Note that you now need to re-provide the original dataset to the bind_clinspacy() function.

mtsamples[1:5, 1:2] %>% 
  clinspacy(df_col = 'description', verbose = FALSE) %>% 
  bind_clinspacy(mtsamples[1:5, 1:2])

We can also store the intermediate result so that bind_clinspacy() does not need to re-process the text.

clinspacy_output_data = 
  mtsamples[1:5, 1:2] %>% 
  clinspacy(df_col = 'description', verbose = FALSE)

clinspacy_output_data %>% 
  bind_clinspacy(mtsamples[1:5, 1:2])

clinspacy_output_data %>% 
  bind_clinspacy(mtsamples[1:5, 1:2],
                 cs_col = 'entity')

clinspacy_output_data %>% 
  bind_clinspacy(mtsamples[1:5, 1:2],
                 subset = 'is_uncertain == FALSE & is_negated == FALSE')

We can also re-use the output file we had created earlier and pipe this directly into bind_clinspacy().


clinspacy_output_file %>% 
  bind_clinspacy(mtsamples[1:5, 1:2])

clinspacy_output_file %>% 
  bind_clinspacy(mtsamples[1:5, 1:2],
                 cs_col = 'entity')

clinspacy_output_file %>% 
  bind_clinspacy(mtsamples[1:5, 1:2],
                 subset = 'is_uncertain == FALSE & is_negated == FALSE')

Binding entity embeddings to a data frame (without the UMLS linker)

With the UMLS linker disabled, 200-dimensional entity embeddings can be extracted from the scispacy Python package. For this to work, you must set return_scispacy_embeddings to TRUE when running clinspacy(). It’s also a good idea to write the output directly to file because the embeddings can be quite large.

clinspacy_output_file = 
  mtsamples[1:5, 1:2] %>% 
  clinspacy(df_col = 'description',
            return_scispacy_embeddings = TRUE,
            verbose = FALSE,
            output_file = file.path(rappdirs::user_data_dir('clinspacy'),
          overwrite = TRUE)

clinspacy_output_file %>% 
  bind_clinspacy_embeddings(mtsamples[1:5, 1:2])

Adding the UMLS linker

The UMLS linker can be turned on (and off) even if clinspacy_init() has already been called. The first time you turn it on, it takes a while because the linker needs to be loaded into memory. On subsequent removal and addition, this occurs much more quickly because the linker is only removed/added to the pipeline and does not need to be reloaded into memory.

clinspacy_init(use_linker = TRUE)

Named entity recognition (with the UMLS linker)

By turning on the UMLS linker, you can restrict the results by semantic type. In general, restricting the result in clinspacy() is not a good idea because you can always subset the results later within bind_clinspacy() and bind_clinspacy_embeddings().

clinspacy('This patient has diabetes and CKD stage 3 but no HTN.')

clinspacy('This patient with diabetes is taking omeprazole, aspirin, and lisinopril 10 mg but is not taking albuterol anymore as his asthma has resolved.',
          semantic_types = 'Pharmacologic Substance')

clinspacy('This patient with diabetes is taking omeprazole, aspirin, and lisinopril 10 mg but is not taking albuterol anymore as his asthma has resolved.',
          semantic_types = 'Disease or Syndrome')

Binding UMLS concept unique identifiers to a data frame (with the UMLS linker)

This function binds columns containing concept unique identifiers with which scispacy has 99% confidence of being present with values containing frequencies. Negated concepts, as identified by the medspacy cycontext is_negated flag, are ignored and do not count towards the frequencies. However, this behavior can be changed using the subset argument.

Note that by turning on the UMLS linker, you can restrict the results by semantic type.

clinspacy_output_file = 
  mtsamples[1:5, 1:2] %>% 
  clinspacy(df_col = 'description',
            return_scispacy_embeddings = TRUE, # only so we can retrieve these below
            verbose = FALSE,
            output_file = file.path(rappdirs::user_data_dir('clinspacy'),
          overwrite = TRUE)

clinspacy_output_file %>% 
  bind_clinspacy(mtsamples[1:5, 1:2])

clinspacy_output_file %>%  
    mtsamples[1:5, 1:2],
    subset = 'is_negated == FALSE & semantic_type == "Diagnostic Procedure"'

Binding concept embeddings to a data frame (with the UMLS linker)

The default embeddings are from the scispacy R package. If you want to use the cui2vec embeddings (only available with the linker enabled), you ned to set the type arguement to cui2vec. Up to 500-dimensional embeddings can be returned.

Note that by turning on the UMLS linker, you can restrict the results by semantic type (with either type of embedding).

Scispacy embeddings (with the UMLS linker)

With the UMLS linker enabled, you can restrict by semantic type when obtaining scispacy embeddings.

Note: The mean embeddings may be slightly different than if the linker was disabled because entities may be captured twice (as entities may map to multiple concepts). Thus, if you do not need to restrict by semantic type, the recommended setting is to turn the UMLS linker off by re-running clinspacy_init(use_linker = FALSE) (note that use_linker = FALSE is the default in clinspacy_init()).

clinspacy_output_file %>%  
  bind_clinspacy_embeddings(mtsamples[1:5, 1:2])

clinspacy_output_file %>% 
    mtsamples[1:5, 1:2],
    subset = 'is_negated == FALSE & semantic_type == "Diagnostic Procedure"'

Cui2vec embeddings (with the UMLS linker)

These are only available with the UMLS linker enabled.

clinspacy_output_file %>% 
  bind_clinspacy_embeddings(mtsamples[1:5, 1:2],
                            type = 'cui2vec')

clinspacy_output_file %>% 
    mtsamples[1:5, 1:2],
    type = 'cui2vec',
    subset = 'is_negated == FALSE & semantic_type == "Diagnostic Procedure"'

UMLS CUI definitions

cui2vec_definitions = dataset_cui2vec_definitions()