
CloudABI's standard C library


NOTE: This project is unmaintained

CloudABI is no longer being maintained. It was an awesome experiment,
but it never got enough traction to be sustainable. If you like the idea
behind CloudABI, please consider looking into the
WebAssembly System Interface (WASI). WASI’s design
has been inspired by CloudABI.

The author of CloudABI (Ed Schouten) would like to thank all of the
people who contributed to this project. Let’s hope CloudABI lives on in
spirit and influences the way software is designed in the future!

Introducing Nuxi CloudABI

Nuxi CloudABI is an
application binary interface
for UNIX-like operating systems built around the concept of
capability-based security.
It offers an environment in which processes can only interact with
locally created resources (pipes, socket pairs, shared memory,
subprocesses and threads), or global resources (files, sockets) when the
process possesses a token granting the process access to the resource (a
UNIX file descriptor). In a nutshell, it means that you can run
processes directly on top of a UNIX kernel while keeping complete
control over the actions the process is allowed to perform.

For example, consider the case where one wants to run a web service. In
CloudABI this can be modeled by starting a web server process with the
following file descriptors:

  • A listening network socket used to receive incoming HTTP requests,
  • One or more file descriptors to directories containing resources
    accessible through the web,
  • One or more network sockets connected to backend services used by the
    web server (e.g., database servers),
  • A file descriptor pointing to a log file.

During its lifetime this web server will never be capable of creating
new tokens out of thin air. It may accept incoming network connections
on the socket provided on startup, but not create an additional
listening socket. It may open files stored within the directories
provided on startup, but not access arbitrary paths on the system. This
makes CloudABI a lot more secure than the runtime offered by most other
UNIX-like systems. A security flaw in this web server will only allow an
attacker to compromise the process; not the entire system.

As CloudABI is mostly legacy-free and only needs to implement the
features that make sense in an environment that uses capability-based
security, it is very small in comparison to other UNIX ABIs. At the time
of writing, CloudABI only has 49 system
The number of types, datastructures and constants shared between
kernelspace and userspace is very low when compared to existing
operating systems. This makes it easy to add support for CloudABI
executables to existing operating systems. The idea being that software
only needs to be compiled once and can be run everywhere.

Nuxi CloudABI aims to become an ideal runtime environment for
cluster/cloud computing. As processes become more isolated and less
dependent on the host environment, the need for traditional system
administration and configuration management will decrease. A cluster can
be treated as a single abstract computation service, running processes
that are not tied to individual logical operating system instances.

The design of CloudABI is based on
the Capsicum lightweight OS capability and sandbox framework
developed at the
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory.
Nuxi would like to thank its authors for their work.

cloudlibc: Standard C library for CloudABI

cloudlibc is a standard C library built on top of CloudABI. It
implements almost all features of the C11 standard, but also a large
part of POSIX.1-2008. There are interfaces, however, that have been
omitted for one of the following reasons:

  • Safety first.

    cloudlibc aims to make it easier for people to design and implement
    robust services. C applications may easily be prone to buffer
    overflows. Functions whose only purpose is to cause such bugs (e.g.,
    gets(), strcpy()) are not implemented. The same holds for
    functions that are inherently thread unsafe (strtok()), degrade
    security (srand()), introduce unneeded global state (setlocale())
    or offer bad abstraction (signal handlers).

  • Pure capability-based security.

    As access to global namespaces is prohibited, functions such as
    open(), fopen(), stat(), mkdir() and wait() have been
    omitted. For filesystem access it is possible to use the POSIX.1-2008
    *at() functions instead. In some other cases alternatives have been
    developed. Fear not: most of these interfaces are either available on
    systems such as FreeBSD or have been designed in such a way that they
    can easily be added to existing operating systems.

  • Computing in the cloud.

    Though it is perfectly fine to run CloudABI processes from a
    command-line on your own workstation, the primary use case remains
    running networked services in the cloud or on a cluster. Certain
    concepts (e.g., UNIX user credentials, TTY handling, accounting) make
    little sense in such an environment.

The source tree is structured as follows:

Building cloudlibc

cloudlibc uses the Bazel build system. A copy of
cloudlibc can be built by installing Bazel and running the following

bazel build //...

Testing cloudlibc

Unit tests can be run through Bazel as well. Test execution currently
assumes the system has native (non-emulated) support for running
CloudABI executables (i.e., you’re using FreeBSD). These tests can be
executed by running the following command:

bazel test //...

Installing cloudlibc

The Bazel build rules provide no support for explicitly installing
cloudlibc. Instead of that, it is possible to use Bazel’s support for
external repositories to use cloudlibc as part of your C/C++ project.
Instructions for that can be found on
the Bazel Toolchains for CloudABI project page.


Public support

[email protected]
mailing list is used to discuss the development of CloudABI. It is
possible to sign up for this mailing list and browse its archive on
Google Groups.

An IRC channel called #cloudabi exists on EFnet.

Bugs and pull requests can be submitted through

Commercial support

CloudABI has been developed by Nuxi, an IT company
based in the lovely city of
's-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands.
Are you interested in receiving commercial support on CloudABI or any of
its components? Be sure to get in touch with us at [email protected].