
The developer first cloud governance platform


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License: MPL 2.0 Go Report Card CLI Workflow

CloudQuery is a versatile open-source data movement tool built for developers that allows you to sync data from any source to any destination.


Check out the quickstart guide for step-by-step instructions on completing your first sync with CloudQuery.

Why CloudQuery?

  • High-performance data ingestion and processing: Using Go’s concurrency model and Apache Arrow, CloudQuery can quickly stream large amounts of data using GRPC.
  • Sync your data to any data destination: You can move your data to any data source
  • Deploy anywhere: CloudQuery can be run as a single-binary executable and deployed and run anywhere. This means you can run it in your CI/CD pipelines, inside your application, locally, or in the cloud.
  • Unlimited scale: CloudQuery integrations are completely stateless and can be scaled horizontally on any platform, such as VMs, Kubernetes, or batch jobs.
  • Security and compliance: Reliable security measures protect sensitive data, and compliance features help meet industry standards.
  • Blazing fast: CloudQuery is optimized for performance, utilizing the excellent Go concurrency model with lightweight goroutines and streaming your data over GRPC.
  • Open source framework: Develop integrations in Go, Python, Java, or JavaScript using the open source CloudQuery SDK.

Use Cases



By contributing to CloudQuery you agree that your contributions will be licensed as defined on the LICENSE file.


If you are into Go, Backend, Cloud, GCP, AWS - ping us at jobs [at] our domain


Feel free to open a pull request for small fixes and changes. For bigger changes and new integrations, please open an issue first to prevent duplicated work and to have the relevant discussions first.

Open source

The CloudQuery framework, SDK, CLI and some integrations are open source - please file an issue before opening a PR.