State-of-the-art Framework 🏗 for Cloud Computing ⛅️ Simulation: a modern, full-featured, easier-to-use, highly extensible 🧩, faster 🚀 and more accurate ☕️ Java 17+ tool for cloud computing research 🎓. Examples:
CloudSim Plus is a modern, up-to-date, full-featured and fully documented Java 17 simulation framework. It’s easy to use and extend, enabling modeling, simulation, and experimentation of Cloud computing infrastructures and application services.
It allows developers to focus on specific system design issues to be investigated, without concerning the low-level details related to Cloud-based infrastructures and services.
CloudSim Plus is a fork of CloudSim 3, re-engineered primarily to avoid code duplication, provide code reuse and ensure compliance with software engineering principles and recommendations for extensibility improvements and accuracy. It’s currently the state-of-the-art in cloud computing simulation framework.
The efforts dedicated to this project have been recognized by the EU/Brasil Cloud FORUM.
A post about CloudSim Plus is available at
this page of the Forum, including a White Paper available in the Publications Section.
CloudSim Plus started through a partnership between the Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT, Portugal),
the Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI, Portugal)
and the Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia do Tocantins (IFTO, Brazil).
It was partially supported by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)
and by the Brazilian foundation Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).
If you are using CloudSim Plus in your research, please make sure you cite this paper: M. C. Silva Filho, R. L. Oliveira, C. C. Monteiro, P. R. M. Inácio, and M. M. Freire. CloudSim Plus: a Cloud Computing Simulation Framework Pursuing Software Engineering Principles for Improved Modularity, Extensibility and Correctness, in IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, 2017, p. 7.
CloudSim Plus provides lots of exclusive features, from the most basic ones to build simple simulations,
to advanced features for simulating more realistic cloud scenarios:
without even worrying about NullPointerException
CloudSim Plus has a simpler structure to make it ease to use and understand. It consists of 4 modules, 2 of which are new, as presented below.
It also has a better package organization,
improving Separation of Concerns (SoC)
and making it easy to know where a desired class is and what is inside each package.
The figure below presents the new package organization.
The dark yellow packages are new in CloudSim Plus and include its exclusive interfaces and classes.
The light yellow ones were introduced just to better organize existing CloudSim classes and interfaces.
CloudSim Plus is a Java 17 project that uses maven for build and dependency management. To build and run the project, you need JDK 17+ installed and an updated version of maven (such as 3.8.6+). Maven is already installed on your IDE. Unless it’s out-of-date or you want to build the project from the command line, you need to install maven into your operating system. All project dependencies are download automatically by maven.
Before trying to use this project, make sure you have JDK 17 installed.
There are 2 ways to use CloudSim Plus:
Check sections below if you want to add CloudSim Plus as a dependency into your own Maven or Gradle project. This way you can start building your simulations from scratch.
Add the following dependency into the pom.xml file of your own Maven project.
<!-- Set a specific version or use the latest one -->
Add the following dependency into the build.gradle file of your own Gradle project.
dependencies {
//Set a specific version or use the latest one
implementation 'org.cloudsimplus:cloudsimplus:LATEST'
CloudSim Plus is a maven project. The previuos section just showed that you don’t need to download the project sources to understand how the project works or to create your own experiments or tool on top of CloudSim Plus. You can just download the example’s project and start your experiments or a new simulation framewework from there. Anyway, if you want to build CloudSim Plus, you have two ways:
Open the project on your favorite IDE and click the build button and that is it.
Open a terminal at the project root directory and type one of the following commands:
on Linux/macOS
./mvnw clean install
on Windows
mvnw.cmd clean install
In order to build a simulation scenario, you have to create at least:
Due to the simplicity provided by CloudSim Plus, all the code to create a minimal simulation scenario can be as simple as presented below.
A more adequate and reusable example is available
together with other ones available in the cloudsimplus-examples repository.
//Enables just some level of logging.
//Make sure to import org.cloudsimplus.util.Log;
//Creates a CloudSimPlus object to initialize the simulation.
var simulation = new CloudSimPlus();
//Creates a Broker that will act on behalf of a cloud user (customer).
var broker0 = new DatacenterBrokerSimple(simulation);
//Host configuration
long ram = 10000; //in Megabytes
long storage = 100000; //in Megabytes
long bw = 100000; //in Megabits/s
//Creates one host with a specific list of CPU cores (PEs).
//Uses a PeProvisionerSimple by default to provision PEs for VMs
//Uses ResourceProvisionerSimple by default for RAM and BW provisioning
//Uses VmSchedulerSpaceShared by default for VM scheduling
var host0 = new HostSimple(ram, bw, storage, List.of(new PeSimple(20000)));
//Creates a Datacenter with a list of Hosts.
//Uses a VmAllocationPolicySimple by default to allocate VMs
var dc0 = new DatacenterSimple(simulation, List.of(host0));
//Creates one VM with one CPU core to run applications.
//Uses a CloudletSchedulerTimeShared by default to schedule Cloudlets
var vm0 = new VmSimple(1000, 1);
//Creates Cloudlets that represent applications to be run inside a VM.
//It has a length of 1000 Million Instructions (MI) and requires 1 CPU core
//UtilizationModel defining the Cloudlets use only 50% of any resource all the time
var utilizationModel = new UtilizationModelDynamic(0.5);
var cloudlet0 = new CloudletSimple(10000, 1, utilizationModel);
var cloudlet1 = new CloudletSimple(10000, 1, utilizationModel);
var cloudletList = List.of(cloudlet0, cloudlet1);
/*Starts the simulation and waits all cloudlets to be executed, automatically
stopping when there is no more events to process.*/
/*Prints the results when the simulation is over
(you can use your own code here to print what you want from this cloudlet list).*/
new CloudletsTableBuilder(broker0.getCloudletFinishedList()).build();
The presented results are structured and clear to allow better understanding.
For example, the image below shows the output for a simulation with two cloudlets (applications).
A complete, side-by-side comparison between CloudSim and CloudSim
Plus Java simulation scenarios
is available
The project documentation originated from CloudSim was entirely updated and extended.
You can see the javadoc documentation for classes and their elements directly on your IDE.
The documentation is available online at ReadTheDocs,
which includes a FAQ and guides.
CloudSim Plus has extended documentation of classes and interfaces and also includes extremely helpful
package documentation that can be viewed directly on your IDE or at the link provided above.
Such a package documentation gives a general overview of the classes used to build a cloud simulation. Also, check the publications section to access published CloudSim Plus papers.
A Google Group forum is available at and you can also use the Discussions page here.
If you are doing research on cloud computing simulation and facing challenging issues, I’ve started to offer my consulting services.
I can help you with different kinds of issues and provide specific features for your simulations, including resource allocation, task scheduling, VM placement and migration, metrics computation, process automation, debugging, results analysis, validation and more.
If you have a CloudSim project and want to migrate to CloudSim Plus to benefit from its extensive documentation, active development and support, exclusive features, great accuracy and performance, the consulting can be fit for you too.
Get the contact e-mail here.
CloudSim Plus supports modeling and simulation of:
Here, it’s presented a list of some projects based on CloudSim Plus, which trust in its accuracy, performance, maintainability and extensibility.
If you want your project to be listed here, send us a Pull Request. Make sure your project has a descriptive README.
This project is licensed under GNU GPLv3, as defined inside CloudSim 3 source files.
You are welcome to contribute to the project.
However, make sure you read the contribution guide before starting.
The guide provides information on the different ways you can contribute,
such as by requesting a feature, reporting an issue, fixing a bug or providing some new feature.