Codable DIY Kit

A template for creating your own Swift Codable encoders and decoders


DIY Codable Encoder / Decoder Kit

In Swift 4,
a type that conforms to the Codable protocol
can be encoded to or decoded from representations
for any format that implements a corresponding Encoder or Decoder type.

At the time of its release,
the only reference implementations for these types
were the Foundation framework’s JSONEncoder / JSONDecoder
and PropertyListEncoder and PropertyListDecoder.
The implementation details
of these types, however,
are obfuscated by translation logic from
JSONSerialization and PropertyListSerialization.

This repository provides a template
that makes it easier for developers
to create encoders and decoders for custom formats.
The template includes stubbed placeholders for the required types and methods
as well as simple tests for encoding and decoding Codable types.

This general structure was used to implement a Codable-compatible
encoder and decoder for the MessagePack format.

For more information about the design and implementation
of custom encoder and decoder types,
see Chapter 7 of
Flight School Guide to Swift Codable.


  • Clone this repository
  • Find all instances of the “<#Format#>” placeholder
    and replace with the name of your own format
  • Replace the leading underscores in the
    ___Decoder.swift and ___Encoder.swift files,
    as well as the source files in the Tests directory
  • Run the command swift package generate-xcodeproj
    in the root project directory
  • Fill in the missing implementation accordingly

Encoder Structure

public class <#Format#>Encoder {
    public func encode<T>(_ value: T) throws -> Data
                        where T : Encodable

final class _<#Format#>Encoder: Encoder {
    final class SingleValueContainer: SingleValueEncodingContainer
    final class UnkeyedContainer: UnkeyedEncodingContainer
    final class KeyedContainer<Key>: KeyedEncodingContainerProtocol
            where Key: CodingKey

protocol <#Format#>EncodingContainer: class {}

Decoder Structure

public class <#Format#>Decoder {
    public func decode<T>(_ type: T.Type,
                          from data: Data) throws -> T
                        where T : Decodable

final class _<#Format#>Decoder: Decoder {
    final class SingleValueContainer: SingleValueDecodingContainer
    final class UnkeyedContainer: UnkeyedDecodingContainer
    final class KeyedContainer<Key>: KeyedContainer
            where Key: CodingKey

protocol <#Format#>DecodingContainer: class {}




Mattt (@mattt)