A set of essential coding guidelines for various languages. Useful as a bootstrap for coding standards in engineering teams.
An opinionated but simple style guide for engineering projects.
Local setup is simple enough; install dependencies and run the Nuxt project.
The master branch automatically deploys to Netlify.
It’s a static (nuxt generated) site. Individual guidelines are Markdown files,
added to pages via @nuxt/content
# yarn
yarn install
# npm
npm install
# pnpm
pnpm install --shamefully-hoist
# install dependencies
$ yarn install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ yarn run dev
# build for production and launch server
$ yarn run build
$ yarn start
# generate static project
$ yarn run generate
Start the development server on http://localhost:3000
npm run dev
Build the application for production:
npm run build
Locally preview production build:
npm run preview
Look at the Nuxt 3 documentation to learn more.