COMP 2140 Project

DamPlay is a digital asset management software. Use to improve communication between employees as well as clients with regards to created content (assets) developed for clients


Tools Needed

  • NodeJs
  • MongoDb
  • Vue JS (run npm i -g @@vue/cli after downloading NodeJs)

To run the app

After you have installed all the tools successfully. Run npm i or npm install in both the front end and backend to download the depdencies)

  • To run the front end, run npm run serve
  • To run the backend, run node index.js (after making a change you have to ctrl+c and run node index.js again or install nodemon and run nodemon index.js to watch for changes and automatically rebuild 😃)
  • Ensure mongo is installed on your computer so the program doesn’t break looking for a connection

Working on Features

  • If you are working on a feature use git to create a feature branch
  • Use git checkout -b feature-name-of-feature, always put feature in front
  • If you are ready to merge a feature, first merge what’s in master into your feature branch, then create a pull request to the master on github
  • It’s better to rebase the master into your feature branch so that the history can be maintained
  • If you encounter any merge conflicts it is up to you to resolve them and ensure that they are working on the master (outside your feature branch)