
Multi-pass compiler and python transpiler for a simple made-up language with the traditional front end, middle stage, and back end.

Multi-Pass Compiler / Python Transpiler

The first and main goal of this project is to present a working compiler from a simple made-up language. To such an end, there is a front end, a middle stage, and a back end, all described in greater detail in the sections below. For an up-to-date demonstration of the currently-available backend functionalities, please see Example1.

(Some) Highlights

  • Grammar
  • Optimization
  • Assembly
    • Please see Example1 for an up-to-date demonstration of current assembly functionalities.
    • Once you are working in assembly, the game changes, and procedures that you might normally take for granted become visible hurdles. If you look into the assembly resources folder, you can see the helper functions designed for the challenges so far overcome. These include…
      • Converting integers to strings so that they can be output in human-readable forms (ASCII). Boolean values are also converted, but their code was short enough not to demand an additional assembly file.
      • String concatenation opens up a big can of worms. You must know the lengths of each individual string. You must allocate new memory with the new length. Then you must move the strings one-by-one to the new memory allocation. What to do if one of the operands is not a string? You must convert it to ASCII first. Furthermore, what do you do with the heap allocation?!
      • Thus, my memory allocation solution. When a new scope is opened, a heap allocation table is initialized for that scope. This table holds the number of current allocations, the allocation capacity of the table, and free space to store addresses of heap memory allocations. At the moment, this table has a generous, but static, capacity of 256 addresses. When the scope is closed, each of the heap allocations is freed, and the table itself is freed. In other words, this compiler has automatic garbage collection run when variables are out of scope.


Below are listed the goals of the program.

  1. Create a working compiler corresponding to a simple, made-up language. Run a lexer, parser, optimizer, and assembler on it. Following, compile and link the assembly code.
  2. Add support for more complex language constructs such as functions and arrays.
  3. Allow for custom-designing of language plug-ins, so that the compiler can work with any language, given a properly-designed plug-in. Ideally, at least a simple form of almost any language could be built as a language plugin for this compiler.
  4. Allow for the selection of any back-end compiler (e.g. MIPS, Masm, etc.), given a properly-created assembly language plug-in.

Command Line Execution

Download and run the zyg_compile.jar file to start compiling your own code! See below help menu for usage.

There are four different output files that may be generated by the compiler: a log file (-l), an assembly file (-a), an executable file (turn off with -n), and a python translation (-p). All flags should be under the same command-line parameter as shown above.

There is no constraint on the extension of the file you attempt to compile. It only matters that the source is valid ASCII code.

Notice! Running this JAR file will unpack the GoAsm executables and a custom assembly library file to compile the generated assembly code. These will create a directory GoAsm/ in the directory the JAR is executed from. These will only be unpacked if they do not already exist. The intention is to make this code’s usage as easy as possible. More about GoAsm.

Explanation of Functionality

For the following example, you may imagine that the following command line code was executed

Front End


Consider the following code.

// Run a condition then output Hello, World
if (true) {
	echo "Hello, World\n";

The lexer will step through the code file and convert it to tokens. Along the way, it will add any variables to the symbol table. Additionally, it adds strings to the symbol table, which will later be gathered into a global string pool.

After the lexer has run, there will be a stream of tokens ready to be read. For the above code, it is represented by the following.

Token: COMMENT   	( // Run a condition then output Hello, World )
Token: IF        	( if )
Token: PAREN_OPEN	( ( )
Token: TRUE      	( true )
Token: PAREN_CLOS	( ) )
Token: CURLY_OPEN	( { )
Token: ECHO      	( echo )
Token: STRING    	( "Hello, World\n" )
Token: SEMICOLON 	( ; )
Token: CURLY_CLOS	( } )
Token: EOF       	(   )

Of course the tokens found by the lexer do not represent the actual language constructs. They are raw building blocks from which the parser can construct a syntax tree.


The parser will then take the above tokens, and using the CFG rules, will construct a raw syntax tree. For the above code, it can be represented by the following XML structure.

// Raw parse tree

<_PROGRAM_ element="SCOPE">
  <_STMTS_ element="REFLOW_LIMIT">
    <_IF_ element="PASS">
      <IF element="IF" value="if" />
      <PAREN_OPEN value="(" />
      <_EXPR_ element="PASS">
        <_VALUE_ element="PASS">
          <_LITERAL_ element="PASS">
            <TRUE element="LITERAL" value="true" />
      <PAREN_CLOSE value=")" />
      <_SCOPE_ element="SCOPE">
        <_BLOCKSTMT_ element="PASS">
          <_BLOCK_ element="PASS">
            <CURLY_OPEN value="{" />
            <_STMTS_ element="REFLOW_LIMIT">
              <_BLOCKSTMT_ element="PASS">
                <_STMT_ element="PASS">
                  <_ECHO_ element="OUTPUT">
                    <ECHO value="echo" />
                    <_EXPR_ element="PASS">
                      <_VALUE_ element="PASS">
                        <_LITERAL_ element="PASS">
                          <STRING element="LITERAL" value="&quot;Hello, World\n&quot;" type="STRING" />
                  <SEMICOLON value=";" />
              <STMTS />
            <CURLY_CLOSE value="}" />
      <ELSE />
    <STMTS />

That is a bulky structure for such a simple program! However, this is an unambiguous syntax tree that results directly from the CFG rule set for this language. Nevertheless, it would be quite a challenge for an assembler to make sense of such a bulky structure. For this reason, we create an optimizer to clean the tree before passing it to the assembler.

For more information on the grammar, see the prepackaged language information page.

Middle Stage


You may have noticed that some of the XML elements above have a parameter called “element”. This is the key to optimization. CFG rules bind to these elemental programming constructs, which the assembler can understand. The optimizer crawls the syntax tree, finds these elements, and builds a simplified tree from them.

// Optimized syntax tree, stage 1

<SCOPE NonTerminal="_PROGRAM_">
  <REFLOW_LIMIT NonTerminal="_STMTS_">
    <IF Terminal="IF" value="if" />
    <LITERAL Terminal="TRUE" value="true" />
    <SCOPE NonTerminal="_SCOPE_">
      <REFLOW_LIMIT NonTerminal="_STMTS_">
        <OUTPUT NonTerminal="_ECHO_">
          <LITERAL Terminal="STRING" value="&quot;Hello, World\n&quot;" type="STRING" />

This is certainly better, but what are these <REFLOW_LIMIT> elements? There are certain language constructs that do not lend themselves nicely to an easy-to-assemble tree. Thus, languages may be retrofitted with “reflow bindings”. These are rules that tell the optimizer how to rearrange the syntax tree such that the language constructs are properly understood.

The optimizer then executes these reflow bindings. For this code, it is to send the LITERAL into IF as a condition and to send SCOPE into IF as the true condition code.

// Optimized syntax tree, stage 2

<SCOPE NonTerminal="_PROGRAM_">
  <REFLOW_LIMIT NonTerminal="_STMTS_">
    <IF Terminal="IF" value="if">
      <LITERAL Terminal="TRUE" value="true" />
      <SCOPE NonTerminal="_SCOPE_">
        <REFLOW_LIMIT NonTerminal="_STMTS_">
          <OUTPUT NonTerminal="_ECHO_">
            <LITERAL Terminal="STRING" value="&quot;Hello, World\n&quot;" type="STRING" />

The reflow rules have been applied! Whereas before , the IF block had no children (<IF Terminal="IF" value="if" />), it now appropriately has a condition and the true-condition code (<IF Terminal="IF" value="if">...</IF>).

Finally, the optimizer removes any basic elements that are labeled as temporary. In this case, these are the REFLOW_LIMIT nodes. The result is a fully-optimized syntax tree. (See the optimization information page for more information on elemental constructs and reflow.)

// Optimized syntax tree, final stage

  <IF value="if">
    <LITERAL value="true" />
        <LITERAL value="&quot;Hello, World\n&quot;" type="STRING" />

What an improvement over the raw syntax tree that resulted directly from the parser! This tree is ready to go on to the next stage.

Back End

The current compiler plugin is GoAsm, which can compile into Windows as well as Linux executables. Using a stepped abstraction from the assembler Java code to the resulting assembly language Java class, in future revisions, the code should be extendable into other assembly languages as subclasses of


The assembler crawls through the optimized syntax tree composed solely of so-called elementary language constructs and outputs appropriate assembly code. For a Windows executable using GoAsm, the resulting assembly code for the above source code is shown below.

; This code was automatically generated by
; com.zygateley.compiler.Assembler#assemble
; using the GoAsm assembly language

Data Section
    ; String pool
    str0			DB	"Hello, World",10,0
    trueString		DB	"TRUE",0
    falseString		DB	"FALSE",0
    ; Other global variables
    heapHandle		DD	0
    inputHandle		DD	0
    outputHandle	DD	0
    tempGlobal		DD	64 Dup 0

Code Section
    ; Prepare environment for input and output
    ; Get process heap handle
    Call GetProcessHeap
    Mov [heapHandle], Eax               ; Save heap handle
    ; Get input handle
    Push -10D                           ; Parameter for GetStdHandle
    Call GetStdHandle
    Mov [inputHandle], Eax              ; Save input handle
    ; Get output handle
    Push -11D                           ; Parameter for GetStdHandle
    Call GetStdHandle
    Mov [outputHandle], Eax             ; Save output handle
    ; Open scope
    Mov Eax, 1028D                      ; Create heap allocation pool
    Push Eax                            ; Anonymous value added to stack
    Push 0                              ; Anonymous value added to stack
    Push [heapHandle]                   ; Anonymous value added to stack
    Call HeapAlloc
    Mov W[Eax], 0                       ; Number of current allocations
    Mov W[Eax + 2], 256                 ; Current allocation capacity
    Mov Ebx, Eax                        ; Address of heap allocation pool
    Push Ebx                            ; Linked variable added to stack
    ; Prepare if-then conditional
    ; If true, go to label0
    ; Finally, go to label1
    ; Prepare operand
    Mov Eax, 1D
    Mov Ecx, 1                          ; assemble operand TRUE
    Push Ecx                            ; Linked variable added to stack
    Cmp Ecx, 0                          ; Determine if condition is false
    Jz >> label1                        ; If condition is false, jump
        ; Open scope
        Mov Eax, 1028D                  ; Create heap allocation pool
        Push Eax                        ; Anonymous value added to stack
        Push 0                          ; Anonymous value added to stack
        Push [heapHandle]               ; Anonymous value added to stack
        Call HeapAlloc
        Mov W[Eax], 0                   ; Number of current allocations
        Mov W[Eax + 2], 256             ; Current allocation capacity
        Mov Edx, Eax                    ; Address of heap allocation pool
        Push Edx                        ; Linked variable added to stack
        ; Output
        ; Prepare operand
        Mov Eax, 13D
        Mov Esi, Addr str0              ; assemble operand LITERAL
        Push Esi                        ; Linked variable added to stack
        Push 0                          ; Anonymous value added to stack
        Push Addr tempGlobal            ; Anonymous value added to stack
        Push Eax                        ; Anonymous value added to stack
        Push [Esp + 12D]                ; Anonymous value added to stack
        Push [outputHandle]             ; Anonymous value added to stack
        Call WriteConsoleA
        Push [Esp + 4D]                 ; Anonymous value added to stack
        Push [heapHandle]               ; Anonymous value added to stack
        Call free_heap_allocations
        Add Esp, 8D                     ; Close scope​	   
    Push [Esp + 4D]                     ; Anonymous value added to stack
    Push [heapHandle]                   ; Anonymous value added to stack
    Call free_heap_allocations
    Add Esp, 8D                         ; Close scope
    Ret                                 ; Program finish

Despite the simplicity of the original code, the assembly code, while relatively compact, has quite a bit of bulk! The main source of the code above is the handling of garbage collection. The most pertinent highlights of the code are the conditional jump (in this case, Cmp always results in the zero bit set to 0) at label0 and the 10 lines following the ; Output comment. The code takes advantage of GoAsm handling the data storage and address of str0 (“Hello, World\n”, defined on line 7), then calls Windows console API to write to the STD output stream.

Certain aspects of the language demand includes of additional assembly files. These may include the output of integer values (byte integers must be converted to ASCII strings) or the storing of strings to variables (non-string-pool strings must have their lengths determined on-the-fly; Java does not necessarily know at compile time). There are certainly many more interesting challenges to overcome in the coming development!

You may see these resources files in the GoAsm resources folder. They have been compiled to com.zygateley.compiler.obj in their parent folder via the batch file a few directories up.


The code then accesses the assemblers internal compiler to generate the final executable. In the case of GoAsm on Windows, a compiler and linker (link to kernel32.dll) must be run. From Java, you will see something along the lines of the following.

GoAsm.exe output:
	GoAsm.Exe Version - Copyright Jeremy Gordon 2001-2017 - [email protected]
	Output file: Example0.obj	

GoLink.exe output:
	GoLink.Exe Version - Copyright Jeremy Gordon 2002-2016 - [email protected]
	Output file: Examples/Example0/Example0.exe
	Format: Win32   Size: 2,048 bytes

Shown below is the output of the final executable when it is run!

HelloWorld Example

Python Transpiler

To assist in development, a Python transpiler was created. The above code results in the following python script. It’s about as simple as you can get, but it demonstrates the accuracy of the syntax tree!

# Python code automatically generated by 
# com.zygateley.compiler.PythonTranslator::toPython

if True:
    print ("Hello, World\n")