
A docker task runner, based on


Conductor - A docker task runner, based on

Basically this is a portable PHP environment that can
run robo anywhere docker can run.

Gone are the days of asking your fellow developers to install package X &
package Y, oh and module Z before your awesome project will run on
their local workstation.

Now they just need docker. Yep just 1 thing to install.
And it will work on the big 3 operating systems - Windows, Mac & Linux.
Oh they might also need git but thats got to be a given these days…


Assuming you have docker already installed, its pretty straight forward:

docker pull bradjones/conductor:latest

Then just grab a copy of conductor and place it in the
root of your new fancy docker based project along with a RoboFile.php

For more info about docker see:


Firstly I assume you know what the robo task runner is,
if not go and see:

Next I assume you have just created a brand new project and have added your
RoboFile.php file to the root. For the sake of this example lets say the
file path to your new project is: /home/foo/projects/the_future

The idea isn’t to use the docker container directly, although you can if you
really really like typing by running a command that looks something like:

docker run -it --rm \
-v $(which docker):$(which docker) \
-v /home/foo/projects/the_future:/mnt/src \
bradjones/conductor:latest some:robocmd

Now I don’t know about you but thats just silly stupid, I am way too lazy to
type that lot in everytime I want to run a robo task. Notice how it’s only the
very last part of the command that actually calls a robo command, in the next
example you see it as one of the first arguments.

./conductor some:robocmd

Okay so what has happened, how is this magic vodo making my command run.
conductor is just a shell script that I added to the root of my new
project at /home/foo/projects/the_future. It encapsulates all that extra
“docker” stuff and makes it appear as though you are just calling an every day
normal plain jane command.

If you have every used Laravel
think of it like a new fancy version of artisan

Because the conductor script is now part of my new project. And I have
just committed it and pushed it to github. When my fellow developer, lets call
him Mr Docker, first name What, middle name is… 😃

When Mr Docker performs a git clone or a git pull on your new
project, all you have to say is go to
and follow the instructions.

Then once you have docker installed you can run this command to get started:
./conductor insert-your-awesome-robo-build-command-here

Example Project

Located at
is a complete working example of how all this might work. I have choosen to
create a basic multi container web server using nginx & php-fpm.

You can see how the RoboFile.php ties everything together.
It automates the entire process from build through to removal.

The RoboFile is heavily commented so I won’t bother repeating myself here.

SELinux Security Setup

This applies to anyone with SELinux installed on their host system.
So basically any RHEL/CentOS/Fedora user.

The conductor shell script bind mounts the docker socket
into the conductor container. Which allows conductor to script the builds and
deployment of your docker containers.

The guys at Redhat have decided that this practise poses some security risks.
To get past the SELinux policies you either need to disable SELinux or set it
to permissive mode.

OR install this piece of kit:

If you do not do either of these things, conductor will fail with lots of
permission denied errors, when you attempt to access the docker socket.

Developed by Brad Jones - [email protected]