Pull data from various sources to compile an as complete as possible list of countries, cities, and currencies.
This library will help to build a database containing continents, countries, cities, and currencies.
Due to copyright reasons, I can’t provide the final compiled database in this repo.
However, you can easily clone this repo and follow the instructions below to create it yourself.
Clone repo and run bundle
to install required rubygems
Download the GeoLite2 Countries/Cities CSV files
Download the GeoLite Cities CSV file
Unzip and move the downloaded folders into /vendor folder
Edit parse.rb
and adjust the config settings at the top
Setup database
$ rake db:migrate
Start parsing through all the data to create the database
$ ruby parse.rb
> load './app.rb'
=> true
> Continent.count
=> 7
> Country.count
=> 247
> City.count
=> 71475
> continent = Continent.find_by_code("NA")
=> #<Continent id: 6, name: "North America", code: "NA", translations: nil>
> country = continent.countries.find_by_alpha2("US")
=> #<Country id: 240, continent_id: 6, currency_id: 59, name: "United States", alpha2: "US", alpha3: "USA", country_code: "1", world_region: "AMER", region: "Americas", subregion: "Northern America", latitude: 38.0, longitude: 97.0, translations: {"en"=>"United States", "es"=>"Estados Unidos", ...}>
> country.currency
=> #<Currency id: 59, name: "Dollars", code: "USD", symbol: "$">
> country.cities.find_by_name("New York")
=> #<City id: 63585, country_id: 240, name: "New York", latitude: 40.7528, longitude: -73.9725, time_zone: "America/New_York", translations: nil>
Often you’ll want to have it in a format that you can easily parse into your own application.
You can export the countries and cities into a CSV file by running the following command:
$ ruby export.rb
$ ls *.csv
cities.csv countries.csv
$ cat countries.csv
Name,Alpha2,Alpha3,Continent,World Region,Region,Subregion,Latitude,Longitude,Currency Code,Currency Symbol
United States,US,USA,North America,AMER,Americas,Northern America,38.0,97.0,USD,$
$ cat cities.csv
Name,Country,Latitude,Longitude,Time Zone
New York,United States,40.7528,-73.9725,America/New_York
This library makes use of the GeoLite and GeoLite2 country/cities data created by MaxMind (http://www.maxmind.com).
This library also makes use of the ‘countries’ rubygem for additional country related information, such as alpha3 code, country code, region/subregion, and translated country names (https://github.com/hexorx/countries).