covid 19 scraper

This app scrapes for data at, presents general information in tables and allows the user to search statistics about covid-19 by country.


Ruby Capstone Project


This app scrapes for data at [world ometers info](, presents general information in tables and allows the user to search statistics about covid-19 by country or territory.

I chose this theme as my Ruby capstone project because is a very interesting and common matter of conversation between me and my peers and it is changing the way we live our lives all around the world.

To install and run

  • Clone the project repo from GitHub using git clone
  • Make sure Ruby-lang is installed
  • Make sure Bundler is installed
  • Install the required gems. Run bundle install
  • Run ruby bin/scraper.rb

Usage Instructions


As soon as the user starts running the app, he/she sees the information represented in the image above

The user can interact with the app by selecting a respective country from the 220 countries and territories affected by covid-19 using keyboard arrows as shown in the image below


To run tests run rspec spec/tests.rb

Designed With


  • Gitflows
  • Rubocop
  • RSpec
  • Colorize
  • Nokogiri
  • TTY
  • VS-Code

Contribute to this Project

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Start by:

  • Forking the project
  • Cloning the project to your local machine
  • cd into the project directory
  • Run git checkout -b your-branch-name
  • Make your contributions
  • Push your branch up to your forked repository
  • Open a Pull Request with a detailed description of the development branch of the original project for a review


šŸ˜Ž Helcio Andre

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License: MIT