A Data Engineering project that is about creating a data pipeline from a MySqL database to a Hadoop Cluster. It includes a Java based command line interface that allows users to create, modify, or update data.
The Credit_Card_Management_System is a Java based program that can display a list of credit card transactions and modify a customer’s personal information from a MySQL database via a JDBC Driver. This respository not only includes the source code for the credit card management system, it also includes other files that are useful for creating a data pipeline to the Hadoop file system (Hortonworks Sandbox).
For instructions on how to use the contents of each folder (except Credit_Card_Management_System), simply click on the link of these folders and read the README.md file.
To use the Credit_Card_Management_System:
Note: Make sure eclipse references the mysql driver file as it is connect to the mysql database. Moreover, when running the java code, the program will ask for a user name and password when accessing the transaction module or the customer module. In that case, the user name is root and the password is whatever password you used for root user. If it doesn’t, then you can change the type of password for root user to mysql native password (See Change_Authentication.sql in the Credit_Card_Management_System folder).
For other projects, feel free to take a look at my personal Github https://github.com/xnell90