An OpenAI gym environment for crop management
This is the code base for the paper “CropGym: a Reinforcement Learning Environment for Crop Management” by Hiske Overweg, Herman N.C. Berghuijs and Ioannis N. Athanasiadis.
The code has been tested using python 3.8.5. To install all required packages, do the following:
Clone this repository
Install the crop gym environment with the following command
pip install -e gym_crop
Install required packages for the training script by running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
This patch to the PCSE package is required to be able to run the code.
Agents can be trained using the following command:
python scripts/ --name repr --beta 10 --tensorboard /path/to/tensorboard/save/dir --log /path/to/model/save/dir --n_steps=10000
The results in the paper have been obtained with a yet unpublished branch of the PCSE package, which contains a recent calibration of crop growth parameters.