
Cruncher is an application that crawls over TechCrunch informations about posts, stores data about authors, articles and provides a web API to consume it.



Cruncher aka Scrapery =)

Cruncher is an application that crawls over TechCrunch informations about posts, stores data about authors, articles and provides a web API to consume it.

Why? This is a challenge for Cheesecake Labs. Because I love this company and I need this job 😃


This is my first real project with Django and Django REST Framework, including applying DevOps during the process. I tried to follow the recommendations and best practices available on the Internet and the documentations. Here are some considerations:

  • I need improve the front-end.
  • Digital Ocean is a big jerk sometimes, but work as well.
  • Improve production deployment. It’s my first time with DO.
  • Write more tests.
  • Collect more data with the crawler.

API Endpoint

The production API endpoint can be consumed at

Here are the GETs:

  • /api/v1/authors/: get all the authors paginated.
  • /api/v1/authors/<id>: get details on one author.
  • /api/v1/articles/: get all the articles paginated.
  • /api/v1/articles/<id>: get details on one article.

Softwares used

Here’s a list of softwares, libraries and servicesused in this project:

  • Digital Ocean
  • Docker
  • docker-compose
  • Django
  • Django REST Framework
  • Gunicorn
  • coverage
  • PostgreSQL
  • psycopg2
  • Scrapy

Up and running: local!

As Freddie Mercury used to say… “It’s so eaaaasy” - Understanders will understand. But you need a Docker and Docker-Compose installed.

Repository clone:

git clone
cd cruncher

Run docker-compose to build and migrate Django models:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose run web python makemigrations
docker-compose run web python migrate

Run the crawler (here with 100 requests limit):

docker-compose run scrap scrapy crawl cruncher --set CLOSESPIDER_PAGECOUNT=100

You’re ready to go! Consume the API at http://localhost:8000/api/v1/.

Run in production

Now Cruncher is not more in production. Clone this repository and DO IT! 😃
