css stats

CLI that uses StyleStats or CSSCSS to parse a CSS file and give stats on it

CSS Stats

CSS Stats utilize Stylestats and CSSCSS to parse a css file and gives you stats on it.


npm install -g css-stats


CSS Stats require Ruby (v1.9.x and up) installed. OSX should have Ruby preinstalled. For Windows you can use RubyInstaller. This is a Windows-based installer, the easiest way to get Ruby on Windows. To check if Ruby is installed on your machine use ruby -v.

Getting Started

For Windows start command prompt with Ruby and run the following command:

gem install csscss && css-stats setup

For OSX run the following command:

css-stats setup


Usage: css-stats [--stylestats|--csscss] [css]


    install the necessary css parser engines

view [--json] [--port]
    visual view for css stats

    css-stats prompt user interface


    -h, --help              output usage information
    -V, --version           output the version number
    -s, --stylestats [css]  parse css for overall stats
    -c, --csscss [css]      parse css for rulesets that have duplicated declarations
    -o, --output [path]     output path for parse css stats
    -j, --json [json]       stylestats or csscss json
    -p, --port [number]     port number for webpage